Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Big Decisions

Brandon and I are both planners.  We plan EVERYTHING {although Brandon hasn't always been this way, he's learned to love my compulsive planning}.  We knew exactly when we wanted to get married and had more than a year to plan that beautiful day.  We knew when we wanted to have children and, although it took a little longer than expected, we had it all planned out and we were ready for it.  We knew we wanted a dog and one day Brandon surprised me with our sweet Bella.  We have plans for the kid's college choices and how we're going to pay for it, we have a retirement plan, we plan almost every minute of every moment of our days so that we are ready for {just about} every thing that life throws at us.

{Except for Andrew's diaper explosion at Noodles and Company on Sunday....I was not prepared for that!}

So, when few weeks ago as I was doing my normal monthly check of the real estate listings in our area and a found a beautiful home that I thought maybe we could go take a peek at, I put it in the back of my mind and told myself I'd talk to Brandon about it that night.  Well, that night came and went and I hadn't mentioned any of this to hubby, when out of nowhere he said: 'You know, I was talking with {insert realtor friend's name here} about our plan to one day live outside of town, in a bigger home, with room for two crazy little boys to romp around and explore, and she just threw out the idea that she had a client that was interested in looking at our current house.

We talked about it for a couple more days and then we thought, 'what the heck', what would it hurt to have someone just take a look at our house?  And, just to mix things up a little, I told Brandon about the house I found online that I thought looked beautiful.  We decided to go do a drive-by.

It was even more beautiful in person.  Two and a half acres, with trees, a sunroom off of the back deck and the sweetest little neighborhood with kids running around in the yards.  We were immediately interested in this home.

We were in love.

So, to make a long story short....four walk throughs of this house and a lot of paper work later...we've got a contract to buy this beautiful new home and the house we've called home for the past 7 years is now on the market.

And, although we are SUPER excited about this adventure in our life {you should have seen Parker and Andrew out at this new house.  I think they were more in love than we were!}, this is the first time that I've ever been more in love with another house than my own and I almost feel guilty about this excitement because of everything that's happened in our home.

But, I just have this overwhelming feeling of peace in thinking about moving to this new home.  And I know that if it all works out, this will be our 'forever home'.

So, please wish us luck in the next few days, weeks and months so that our home will become someone else's dream house and we will be able to complete this big decision we've made in our lives.

We are flying by the seat of our pants and we couldn't be happier.


The Big Cheese said...


brookeriffel335 said...

Here are some photos:


Unknown said...

Love the house...Best of luck to you all!!! I have friends that live there--and they love their neighborhood!!!