Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My Not-So-Green Thumb

I think the whole 'green thumb' thing skips a generation.

So, when Spring time rolls around, although I love to garden, I always dread spending hundreds on flowers that I know are going to die once we hit the 100 degree mark in July {or maybe even earlier this year...yuck}.

Now, I've had a few lucky moments where this didn't happen, so I haven't lost all hope, but just sayin', I am a slow learner when it comes to growing plants, flowers, vegetables, etc.

But I know a couple of little boys who love to play in the dirt...and, not wanting to be the only house on the block this year without some pots on the front porch, I decided to put on the gardening gloves and get down to business.

Plus, I had some pretty excited helpers!

Brandon had to go into the office on Saturday, so bright and early Saturday morning, we put on our flip flops, our gardening gloves, and our KU shirts {of course}, and we headed out to work on a couple of pots.

Andrew loved the dirt- the way it felt and the way he could throw it all over the grass...Parker loved digging and make a hole just right for our plants...but, what these two boys loved the most...the bugs.

{Do you see that tiny speck by the dirt bag. Yep, that's the bug they were kinda, sorta scared of.}

There were three or four of these funky little bugs hanging out on our driveway and these brothers would get close, examine these bugs, and as soon as the little buggy moved, my little 'helpers' would squeal with delight and jump back {not actually wanting Mr. Bug and his brother to touch them}!

Gotta love that smile!

So, while we only managed to plant two fern plants, we put our 'green thumbs' to the test...and, maybe, just maybe...my two helpers will have the magic touch this year and we will have some beautiful plants and flowers to show off. More planting to come this weekend!

**Both of my grand-mothers, my mother, my step-mother, my mother-in-law, and my aunt have wonderful yards and plants...they've tried to show me how to water, prune, and keep things green, but I just can't seem to get the hang of it. Stick around to see how this year turns out...

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