Monday, April 16, 2012

The Rocking Chair

As I mentioned in my last post, we are planning a little room makeover for my baby boy this week. Ummm...I mean my big boy...I mean my baby boy...he's kind of caught in between the baby boy, big boy age and it's hard for me to believe that Andrew has become big enough for a big boy room and big boy toys and that he's too big for the changing table and for his shoes, and that he's too big for me to hold and do the 'mom sway' back and forth and he's big enough to go to sleep without me holding him and that he's now sits in a booster seat {rather than his high chair}.

But, it happens. Our babies grow up.

Luckily, our family has a new little baby coming in August and Brandon's sister will be welcoming baby girl #3 in just a few short months. We are SO, SO, SO excited!!

So, as I've been planning Andrew's new room {with a lot of hand-me-downs from big brother}, I've been slowly handing things over to D so she can use them with Baby Girl.

Things like the diaper genie, our high chair, the infant car seat, some KU and Pitt State apparel, and I've even got a little bag of baby toys for Baby Girl B. And, as we were measuring and thinking of the new furniture arrangement in Andrew's big boy room, we came to the conclusion that the rocking chair and ottoman were no longer going to fit. So, I texted D and asked if that was something she needed, if she'd like to borrow it, and I sent her some photos...

To my delight, D and J said it was something that they would definitely use {I love it when others can benefit from something I have loved having}, so that was that and we decided we'd get it to them soon.

Well...last night, I was chatting with Brandon's Mom and she said they'd help us out by watching the boys today and I said, "Oh, if you guys drive the truck, you could take the chair and ottoman to D!" I was excited and caught up in my plans for Andrew's room and I thought this was the perfect opportunity to get this to D.

We planned it and I went upstairs to get ready for bed.

Then...all of a sudden, my stomach started to feel icky, my mouth got dry, and I think for the first time EVER, I was having an anxiety attack! I couldn't sleep. All that was running through my head was this..."if they take the rocking chair tomorrow, that means I won't be able to sit in the chair and read to Andrew tomorrow night!" I won't be able to rock him and ask him for kisses as he starts to drift off into sleepy land...and although I haven't officially 'rocked' him to sleep for a couple of months now, I decided that we needed the rocking chair for at least a month or so longer so that I could do that at least 20 more times!

So, I grabbled my phone and texted my mother-in-law this:

"I think we are going to use the rocking chair for a little bit longer..."

Her response:

"Good...I like the thought of our baby being rocked a few more months. :)"

Who knew I would have such an attachement toward a rocking chair. But, now that I think about it....I think I've probably rocked in that chair more than 800 times. Seriously. It's a part of us. And, although I'm very excited to share it with my new neice, I am thankful for a couple more months with the rocking chair...and, maybe Andrew's not quite as big as I thought he was...yep, I just checked, he's still my baby boy.

I think we'll find room in Andrew's new big boy room for the rocking least for a few more months.

Thank goodness.

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