Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Happy Birthday {a few days later}

Okay, I'm an awful wife.  We've had the busiest days lately...even with the snow days...and although I thought about it a lot, I never actually put anything together to celebrate Brandon's birthday on Monday.  It's a good thing he's not too excited about his birthday...turning another year older...I think it would be okay with the hubs if we just went along like it was just another day.  But, I can't possibly do that and I know his Momma couldn't do that either.

It was a simple day.  It was a snow day on Brandon's birthday.  That would be any kid's have a snow day on their birthday.  So, instead of going to school with Parker to be the helper {as planned}, the boys decided to take the day off and spend it together at home.

They had some visitors...Brandon's parents stopped by for lunch, along with Reese...the most adorable 7 month old I know!  My mom stopped by to wish him a happy birthday.  And, we even managed to make a trip up to Lawrence to eat some BBQ for dinner {this was Parker's request...this kid knows his dad pretty darn well to pick BBQ for his birthday dinner}.

When we got home from dinner, it dawned on me that I never wrapped Brandon's {little} gifts...and I never had the boys make him a card {our tradition}.  For my OCD, over-the-top planning, make everything perfect, birthday lovin' personality, this was the worst possible thing that could have happened on one of my family member's birthdays.  Especially my husband's birthday.  Gasp!

So, I took the boys down to the basement {where I strategically hide all gifts...original, I know} and had them choose which gift they wanted to give Dad.  They hid them behind their backs and took them up to Brandon....with a quick hug and a happy birthday...then they were off to play the 'crazy game' with the dog {more on that later}, and I was left to shamefully apologize for not making Brandon's birthday more special.

But, this awesome husband of mine...he didn't care.  He smiled, gave me a quick kiss, and then he too was off to play the 'crazy game' with the little guys.  I guess it was special after all.

Happy Birthday {a few days later} to the most amazing husband and dad I've ever known.  We love you so much!!

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