Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Easter Train

The forecast called for snow.

But, that didn't stop us from boarding the 'Easter Train' on Saturday afternoon.

{Don't laugh at my 'make-up-less face...or my hair...I just ran 10 miles an hour prior to this photo being taken.  I was Super Mom that day.}

The cousins were excited...the parents (and Aunt April) were looking forward to an afternoon out of the house (after a week of Spring Break)...and the grandparents had been planning this outing for weeks.

What is it about trains?  Boys love trains (and I'm sure there's even a few girls out there that get excited every time they hear a choo!  choo! and a train whistle go roaring by).  You probably could have called this the 'Eat Your Vegetables Train' and these boys still would have eagerly boarded it...knowing they would be required to eat all their vegetables once on board.

But, thankfully this was the 'Easter Train'.  Complete with an Easter Bunny, cookies, and the anticipation of an Easter Egg Hunt as the next stop.

 We chugged along.  Saw the bunny.  Listened to an Easter story.  And then we were there.


Don't think the giant snow flakes falling from the sky stopped us from having an egg hunt.

{Planning their attack of the Easter Egg Hunt!}

{We all felt a little silly out in the snow...hunting for eggs...even Aunt April!}

As the older boys searched high and low for the 'golden egg', Andrew, Aunt April, and I trudged over to the toddler area and while Aunt April and I tried to talk Andrew into picking up eggs, he had a different idea of fun and it wasn't hunting eggs in the snow.  He didn't want a thing to do with those wet, cold eggs.  He wanted back on that train...back into warmth, where his animal crackers were, where he could snuggle up with Mom and be crazy with his brother and cousins.

{This is Andrew's WTF face...He thinks we're all crazy for making him go out there!}

{Seriously, Mom, it's cold out here.}

The older boys, well they didn't find that 'golden egg', but they filled their buckets up with plastic eggs full of tootsie rolls, plastic rings, poppers, and much more.  Covered in mud, wet snow, and excited about their findings, we headed back to the train stop to head home.

{Yep, Andrew was screaming at  me to get back in the train...but, we needed one more photo!}

And, while we didn't have perfect weather, this is one Easter Train ride and egg hunt, these boys will never forget.

I do have one little request for Mother Nature: Please send spring!  Soon!  No more snow days!  We want to plant our garden, play outside, and watch the grass turn green and trees bud out with flowers and green leaves.  We've enjoyed it while it's been here, but now it's time for the snow to go.  Let's see what this week will bring!

Happy Monday!  Umm...I mean Tuesday...

**Disclaimer - You'll notice that Parker isn't in very many of my photos {or looking at the camera in most of the photos I do take}.  My big guy has decided to tell me when I can and can't take his photo.  Apparently, he's way too cool for his dorky old mom to follow him around with the camera.  I'm pretty sneaky though...and I love pictures of my boys...so don't worry, my cute, big guy still has years of his mom cramping his style!

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