Monday, March 11, 2013

What's for Dinner?

At 'Run Club' the other night we were discussing food. 

We were talking about trying new things and how there's no time to come up with something new and we shared a few of our favorite 'family friendly' meals.

That got me thinkin'.

What if I made up a calendar for every (yes, every) month of the year with our 'menu' of dinners on it and then shared that with all of my friends. 

I mean, they may not want to try everything I put out there, but maybe, just maybe it would help them come up with something new and different for dinner.

So, here it is my Run Club friends (and all of you who just want to take a peek).  Here's a look into what the Riffel family does for dinner every night.

Now, keep in mind....we may stray from this calendar.  In fact...around the week of spring break, I'm sure we won't stick to this at all.  But, at least I've got it.  I've got a plan.

And, I do believe I'm going to spend the next few weeks working on next month's plan, a grocery list, and a few more details about the food we're eating (my new obsession).  So, stay tuned...I'll be sharing that soon!

Happy Monday!

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