Friday, March 15, 2013

Just Being Two

He throws some major tantrums...

And can get away with pretty much everything.

(Just look at that tongue...he's workin' so hard on the iPad.  He's so smart!)

He wants to do everything by himself, but also wants Momma there at all times.

He is loud.  Spits when he's mad.  Hits when he's frustrated.  Jumps off the furniture.  Thinks he's a ninja or Wreck it Ralph...and likes to destroy things just like that.

He won't sit still at a restaurant.  And, don't even try to tell him 'no' out in'll get a full-fledged WAF.  Then you'll get eye rolls and some major judgment from those childless people at the grocery store.  (And looks of sympathy from those mommas who are also carting around their two year old littles.)

He is my crazy little man.

As Andrew goes through this stage of being my crazy little man...this stage where he is changing every day...growing and's like I can see his mind taking shape as his legs get longer and longer (and longer and longer).  He has me wrapped around his finger (along with his Bubs and Dad).  

And while every moment with Andrew brings a surprise and it often feels like I'm walking through the trenches of unchartered territory (although I've been down this road before), he brings me so much joy and happiness and I've learned so much about patience and kindness and unconditional love for my little man.  Just when I feel like my two year old boy is going to cut my nerves in half...he does something so sweet or funny or encouraging for my mommihood, and everything else just fades away.

Right now he's just being two.  It may sound crazy, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Happy Friday!  Get out and enjoy this day!  Wow!  It's simply gorgeous.

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