Friday, June 24, 2011

Flash Back Friday!

Remember those days....those college days. When the only things we had to worry about were going to class, seeing our friends, watching our favorite TV shows, which bar we were going to go to, meeting up with your boyfriend/girlfriend. When our income was so small, we didn't worry about money. When we were responsible for one person only, ourselves, and most of us weren't very responsible. Do you remember worrying about your friends....who liked who...what was the latest gossip?! I remember saying things like, "Did you hear that she made out with that guy at the bar last night...I can't believe it?!" Or, "Let's go to Mall Deli (probably for the 2nd time that day)!"

Those days when we rarely used cell phones...the days when I would walk out to my car after class and find a note from my boyfriend (remember doing this, Brandon?) taped to the windshield telling me to come over to his house after class for pancakes. I didn't know how to text - if it even existed...I didn't use my cell phone all that much.

Sleeping in meant sleeping until noon and summer meant freedom from class and more money from summer jobs!

These were days when I had time to go running, workout at the Y, and go tanning. These were the days where we all thought we were invinsible...young forever...time would never catch up with us.

(This photo was taken at our last Sigma Chi formal together in 2003)

Well....time caught up....and here we are. It's been 8 years since I graduated from college and that seems unimaginable to me! When I was 22 I thought 30 was so far away, but here I am. I knew I would always marry Brandon, but who knew just 8 short years from then, we would have the two sweetest little guys in the world in our lives. Who knew we would ever work for the same able to drive to work 3 minutes from home...have such a beautiful home and so many blessings.

I've written this post because the other day at work, we were telling our student workers (who are currently Juniors in college) about how we met our husbands. We all had a different story and I started thinking about how much our lives have changed since those college days when we first met. It makes me excited for all of these college kids I've gotten to know in my work and just think that they may go to class tomorrow and meet their future husband and in 8 short years, they will have the life they always dreamed of.

So many memories flood back to me just from looking at this one photo- I hope you have time someday to do the same and find a photo that does this for you!

Happy Flashback Friday!

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