Sunday, June 12, 2011

He's Wild, He's Wild....

God is wild about you, do, do,, do, do do! This is just one of the songs that has been running through my head for the past few days!! It's just one of the amazing songs that Parker learned at vacation bible school.

Now....most people know this about us....we aren't very good about going to church. Actually, we haven't been since Easter...I know, I know, but Brandon and I truly do believe that spending time with our families on Sunday is where our hearts and our true spirituality belong. And, don't get me wrong, I like going to church- it fills my heart and my mind with peace and fellowship that you can't find anywhere also is a crucial part in building your child's education about right and wrong, peace, love, and even social skills, and this is something I hope to be better at in the future.

Well...we have some good friends (who also happen to be our very good neighbors) who asked Parker to join them at vacation bible school this year (there are actually only a couple in town that offer this for preschoolers that are 3 years old) and, because I know how much Parker loves learning, going to church, and being with these buddies of his, I knew we had to let him go on this adventure!

And....what an adventure it was! Every night Parker and his group of preschoolers would get together and hear stories, do a craft, make and eat a delicious snack, have fellowship together, and sing songs! And, every night (except one, when I let Brandon pick him up), when we would pick up these four boys, their minds were racing, they had a million stories, and they were so excited about their "PandaMania" adventure that night!!

On their final night, Parker was putting his shoes on and I told him, "I will miss you tonight while you're at vacation bible school, buddy." His reply was, "I won't, Mom, because I am going to have fun!"

On the last night, all of the boys put on their PandaMania t-shirts (the first iron on t-shirt decal I've ever put on) and they were all smiling from ear to ear, eager for what the last night would hold....Parker said, "Mom, I bet we will find out the end of the Panda story tonight. Don't you think, Mom? Don't you think we'll hear the end of it tonight?!" So excited! They were so excited that I had to take some pictures!!

And...because they were so excited, us moms, well we were excited too! We decided to pick them up a little early that night, just so we could catch a glimpse of the grand finale of PandaMania!

Parker, Julian, Caleb, and Carter had the time of their lives....and the best part is how much they all loved learning throughout the week! I can only imagine what it will be like when these four buddies start going to school, how much they will learn, what their personalities will be like, how awesome they will be in everything they try to do!

They had so much fun at PandaMania, we've now signed them up for another vacation bible school- Mission to Mars - in July. I haven't mentioned this to Parker yet....I'm afraid his excitement will be too much! He he! Oh...what a fun summer this is!

And, remember...."He's Wild, He's Wild, God is Wild About You!" (Do, do,, do, do,!)

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