Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ice Cream Makes Everything Better

Yesterday I took Andrew to get his 1 year immunizations. {Yes, I know he's 14.5 months old, but he's been sick and I put off taking him for a while.}

Poor kid.

Here he is, playing on the super fun toys they have in the waiting room...laughing...following his brother around...climbing, sliding, and crawling under tunnels.

Then, all of a sudden I wisk him away, take him back into a room, pull his arm out of his shirt, pull down his sweats, and he gets poked. Not once, not twice, not three times, but FIVE shots. Four in his legs and one in his arm. OUCH! He cried and cried. And, when I looked up to find Parker, he was standing in the doorway with a stricken look on his face and his hands clenched over his ears. So sad.


Luckily, in our house, a little ice cream makes everything better.

Parker said, "Mom, I DO NOT like it when Andrew is hurting." {sigh.}

"But, Mom, I know what will make him feel better. A M & M blizzard."

So, we got Blizzards from DQ and headed home.

And, wouldn't you know. Parker was right.

Here is my sweet Andrew eating his first ever, very own Blizzard.

And, here is Big Bubba enjoying his Blizzard.

So, if you're having a rough day...or just need a pick-me-up...I highly recommend ice cream. It works every time.

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