Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Leap Year

Wow! We've really been feelin' the 'leap' this year! I believe the extra day this month has thrown a flip in our universe and things have just been juggled all up. What do you think?

And, while things haven't been going our way, I've realized that this sticky, crazy mess that we are calling life these days, is actually helping me. How, you might ask, could a constantly sick baby, a car accident, working evenings, and a puking four-year old be helping me {these are just the highlights}? Well, here it goes:

1) I've realized just how much my husband loves me...because he's kept my head above water the past few weeks.

2) Even though we have no earthly idea what is going on with Andrew's little body, I've come to love the sweet snuggles he gives me in the middle of the night and the way he is so tough when battling a fever or feeling icky {but, I would still like to know what's goin' on here}.

3) Parker has been the most loving four year old I've ever seen, to me, Brandon, and most importantly {and has given the most sweetness} to Andrew. And, until this morning, he hasn't been sick at all....talk about a tough guy!

4) My work. Oh my, do I have so much to be thankful for in my job. The people I work with have been so patient with me and so understanding of everything we've got going on...it's just been a relief for this working Momma to have such an awesome employer...one who doesn't complain...even though I haven't worked a full week for a few months now.

5) Our friends and family seem to be coming out of the wood work offering advice, help, and yes, even offers to bring by ice cream cones for our sweet boys as we have been struggling these past few weeks.

6) I've come to realize that this phrase is true: 'What doesn't kill us, will only make us stronger.' It's totally true. These things that are causing us stress right now are all making us stronger. And, even though, I didn't ask for these things and I don't feel like I need to be any stronger - I do.

This 'leap' in our lives is causing us grief, struggles, and forcing us to think outside of the box...but, we'll get through it and we'll be better people and a better family because of it.

And, while these photos have nothing to do with it being a Leap Year, they capture most perfectly, the wonderful moments we had today. Here's to hoping the 'leaps' have all jumped out!

{Today Parker was obsessed with Wipeout...this is Parker building a Wipeout course with Legos. This was done because I told him he couldn't use the couch pillows for any more Wipeouts. Gotta love imagination!}

{Andrew's first 'real' smile in weeks. This little guy finally went a whole day without a fever today!}

Happy Leap Day my friends! Make the most of today!

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