Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Flash Back {Early} Friday

I know.  It's Tuesday.  But, with the boys being gone at summer camp, I'm finding myself with a lot of time on my hands.  Time to clean house.  Time to go shopping.  Time to watch The Bachelorette.  And, last night, I had time to clean out the basement...something that I've been wanting needing to do for quite some time.

I  took charge.  I threw things out to the dump.  I put many many boxes in recycling {why is it that Brandon keeps every.  single.  box?}  I vacuumed up rolli polli's and cob webs and spiders...ugh!  But, the best part about my cleaning sweep...the treasures I found in some of the old, old boxes I went through.

I found some pretty special things.  I found cards between Brandon and I from our first year of dating.  Oh yes, I read each and every one of them.  They made me smile and cry and Brandon and I had a moment to relive those love-crazy days as a dating couple.  Those were my favorite finds in my quest to clean the basement.  But, being a private couple, I can't share those with my friends and family.  They're for us...something special that we share together.  Wink.  Wink.

But, coming in at a close second to being my favorite find....pictures from high school.  Have you done this lately?  Looked back and relived those carefree high school days?  Okay, okay, I'll be the first one to admit: I would NEVER want to go back to high school.  Let's face it, girls can be mean, catty, and yes, when I graduated from high school, I was ready to leave that behind and move on to become an {almost} adult.  And, while I stand strong behind what I just wrote, there's nothing better than looking back at photos and reliving those memories for just a couple of hours.

Now, here's my disclaimer....all of these photos were taken before digital cameras, the Internet, email, and Facebook.  These are photos of photos and some are blurry, dark, or just plain bad....think of the 90's....enough said.

Memories such as Homecoming of my Senior year....a Homecoming where all of us girls that were nominated grew up together, starting with elementary school up to high school {and still friends today on Facebook, of course!}.

{That's me...there on the far right.}

Memories of me and my best friend and all of the crazy things we did.

{Me and my Jimmer Jammer - Jamie.}

Going to school dances...trying to outdo each other with our super cute outfits.

{Jamie and I are right smack in the middle.}

Memories of going to football games and just how much we loved our school.

{Me and my friend Lauren.}

Memories of our senior trip to Cancun...now remember girls, what happens in Mexico, stays in Mexico, but I think it's okay to share these photos...

{A bunch of us girls in Cancun...from left to right: Jamie, Me, Lauren, Toni, and Sara.}

{Me and Sara}

{Jamie and I in Cancun.}

{Jamie, Sara, and I}

{Me and my friend Gina.}

Memories of running Cross Country, which changed my life forever.

{Imagine...I thought I was huge in high school.  If only girls could learn to love themselves the way they are.  What I wouldn't give to have that back today!}

And, so so so so so much more!

I can't tell you how much fun I had going through all of these photos.  I won't lie.  I threw a lot of these memories into the trash bin after last night.  But, the few that I kept, these are the photos that hold so much more.

Also, I know that I have friends out there that aren't in these photos....this is all I could find!  I think some of my favorites have probably been lost along the way, but it's fun to look back and then look at today.  How did we get here?  {I'll leave you with that question.}

Happy Friday...um...I mean Tuesday.  Really?!  It's only Tuesday?!  Time goes by reeeeaaaalllyyy slow when the boys aren't home.  Can't wait to see them tomorrow!

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