Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Lake

My little guys love the lake.  Actually, that's an understatement...they want to live at the lake, grow fins, and swim, swim, swim forever.  At the lake they loose all of their fears of the water and they become these brave little fishies that can swim, jump underwater, go out into the 'deep end' without mom or dad, and float in the sun without a care in the world. 

 Our friends are so kind, so welcoming.  And, every year {it's been so many, I can't remember the first time we were there}, they invite us to visit them at 'the lake'....or as Parker says, "Ben and Junelle's Lake"...or as Brandon says, "The Potato Lake"....officially named Pomme De Terre.

This year was especially fun.  What made it so fun?  My little guys and our wonderful friends.

Both of the boys enjoyed every minute of our time at the lake.

Andrew's favorite thing to do at the lake...that's easy.  Andrew enjoyed walking out into the water, with his little water shoes, and obnoxious {hand-me-down}  Looney Tunes life jacket, to throw rocks.  This little guy, he threw more rocks than any boy I know and I am honestly surprised there are still rocks on this beach.

His other favorite thing to do: Throw rocks in the water and watch Bella jump in after them.

 This guy loves his dog.  He really loves his dog when she is swimming and diving for rocks.  He laughed and laughed and laughed at our Bella girl.

And, what did Parker enjoy this year? 

Swimming.  Freedom.  And, feeling like a big guy.  Parker must have swum back and forth from the shore line to the ladder on the dock 50 times.  First, he had to use the noodle, but as the day went on, he became that brave fish and he lost that noodle - announcing to everyone that he could swim to the dock without it! 

As a mom, this kinda freaks me out.  My Parker no longer needs me to hold him while he swims...he can do it on his own...I don't even need to be in the water...or near him...and if I even tried, he wouldn't allow it.  Big guy.  I think he grew 5 inches this weekend.

Here's what we {Brandon and I} enjoy: The quiet and peaceful environment at the lake.  It's totally laid back.  We love our dear friends who are more than that, they are our family.  We love their families that are so welcoming and who feel like long-lost aunts, uncles, grandmas and grandpas...although they are of no relation to us.  We love the food.  The smiles.  The water.  The boat rides.  The late nights laughing and being silly with friends.  Chasing fireflies.  Cooking some S'Mores.  
 {View from the shore.}

We loved the new 'Island Oasis' that we brought to the lake.  We love the dogs.  We love the swimming.  We love the way our boys are at the lake and every second that we get to spend with them, having fun and loving nature.  We love the golf cart rides and the 'lake neighborhood'.  We love it that Ben always has a project going, Junelle always watches out for the boys, and Jayma is always giving out hugs and kisses to my guys.  The boys love these friends and they mean so much to us.

 {The Island Oasis}

 {Morning Fishing}

{Our home away from home.}

 {Andrew was stomping on bugs.}

{Andrew was smiling on his first boat ride.}

{It was a windy ride.}


 {We enjoy staying up late enough to watch - and catch- the hundreds of fire flies that come out at dusk.}

{I love this view!}

{Swimming, swimming, swimming!}

We love the lake and all of the memories it holds.  Thank you for this, sweet friends {Ben, Junelle, and Jayma} - we'll see you at the lake in August!

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