Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Thinking of my Friend

Right after I wrote the 'New Pool' post, I checked my email.  In my email, I found a CarePages update from my friend whose son is battling cancer.  Immediately, I wanted to erase the 'New Pool' post and instead write here it is.  Here are Shannon's words:

So I've had this window open for nearly half an hour and this page is still blank. I think it's that there are nearly a million thoughts running through my mind and I can't seem to sort them out and formulate a decent sentence. Just to give you an idea of what goes through my mind after a day like today, here goes.
So if we stay with the current drugs we're on and raise the doses will that give us the best effect? How do we adjust the etop level to reach best effectiveness? What do I need to do to get Asher to eat more, gosh he's down another .2kg. I should start researching more ways to get him to gain. Should we jump ship, drop the current drugs we're using and try the new COG trial that's open? What if we wait too long and the trial closes? Will our insurance cover the drugs if we do them off trial? What if we do jump ship now and don't give this current cocktail enough time to show it's potential? Why are Asher's VA and sirolimus levels down again this week? Does this mean his liver isn't processing the drugs correctly? Is there some strange drug interaction we don't know about that's preventing him from reaching the targeted levels? Why is Asher now having what seem to be nightmares? This is the 4th night in a row that he's woken up crying and throwing a fit. Is this drug related? Tumor related? His fever was back again tonight and he was still super tired today. Should I have pushed this issue more at our appointment today? Should I get up in the middle of the night and take his temp to make sure it's not on the rise? Crap, I called in the refill for one of Asher's meds and totally forgot to pick it up. I guess I'll run to Walgreens in my PJ's as soon as I wake up so we have it for breakfast time.
And those are just a few of medical thoughts and questions in my brain. On top of that are all the regular, what's our schedule this week, who's taking who when and where, what groceries do we need, thoughts. Putting it all together today was almost too much. Thank God for a loving supportive family, great friends and doctors/nurses and support staff to help us get through it all.

Here I am, writing about a new pool and watching my kids light up with excitement.  I don't have these worries that my friend has and it makes me feel sick to hear her emotions and her worries.  Her questions aren't being answered and her sweet little boy {who is close to Parker's age} is battling cancer.  A mom's worst nightmare is happening to my friend.

Please pray for Shannon and her family.  Pray for Asher to keep his strength.  Pray for the doctors to give them the knowledge to treat Asher's cancer to get him healthy so that he can have his childhood back.  Pray that Shannon can find peace by giving her answers to her questions and friends and family to help her with her worries.

Friends, help me to pray for these things. 

For those of you that don't know Shannon - she worked at the library and taught Parker to enjoy reading enjoy craft time....and to listen when someone is reading.  Shannon was our story time teacher prior to Asher being sick and I am so thankful that she is able to be with him and her family at this time.

I just had to write take a moment and spread the word about Asher so that more prayers will be sent up and more good vibes will be sent Shannon's way.

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