Saturday, August 11, 2012

Birthday Shout Out

Tomorrow my little brother and my youngest sister turn 21.  And, while we won't be celebrating with them tomorrow, I know they'll have fun because it is their 21st birthday and they know how to have some fun.  Happy birthday Twinkies - we love you and wish you the very best on your birthday.  And, because you're turning the big 2-1, remember this: It's okay to only get to 16 shots on your 21st birthday and it's also okay to only remember certain parts {especially 10 years later}, but you need to BE SAFE and enjoy your night!

Let's get together to celebrate soon - the g-rated version of your 21st birthday!

Love you both.

Just for fun, here's a picture of us on my 21st birthday.  Jon and Lauryn would have been 11.   I'll be 32 this year.  Old.
And, speaking of birthdays.  This guy has one coming up.

In about a month, Parker will be turning 5.  What?!  No way!

Yep, it's true.  And, because we try to do as much as possible to celebrate birthdays around here, we are in full birthday mode.  Goody bags are starting to take shape, plans for the back yard to turn into a full-blown Wipeout course and in action, invitations are being addressed and stamped, and tomorrow I'm even trying a practice birthday cake out {yep, it's gotta be perfect for my 5 year old}.

It's hard to imagine that Parker will be turning five.  And, just like every other birthday with these two boys - it's hard to believe that another year has sped by and we are all another year older.  Because just as soon as Parker's birthday comes winding down, Andrew's is just around the corner...creeping up on me.

But, in my book, birthdays are fun.  What could possibly be more important than celebrating the day we were born.  The day we were brought into this world to LIVE.  To do GREAT things.  To make LIFE better for everyone we meet.  There's no better time to do that.

Yep, we'll be partying it up around here for the next few months and I. Can't. Wait.

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