Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Queen of Summer

Nope, it's not me.

It's the famous Aunt Dani.

For the past 5 years Aunt Dani has been the Queen of Summer at our house.  Every summer our daycare provider {who we love, love, love} takes some much deserved time off.  It's perfect.  It gives the boys a 'real summer break'.  During summer break, Aunt Dani steps in and gives my boys the summer time of their dreams.

They go to the pool.  Watch movies.  Walk to the park.  Take naps.  Play outside.  Well, with Aunt Dani around these boys pretty much do whatever they want.  They've got her wrapped around their little fingers...and, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Dani- Thank you so much for everything you do for my boys!  I love it that they get so excited to see you and that you have inside jokes with them.  I love it that Andrew acts like a crazy man every time he sees you and Parker gets that goofy, shy, 'Jon Grin' on his face when you walk in the room.  I'm so grateful for this time that you've gotten to spend with them and it's something they will always remember.  WE love you and can't wait for next summer! 

Here is a little walk down memory lane for you...

Year 1 {2008}

Year 2 {2009}

Year 3 {2010}

Year 4 {2011}

Year 5 {This Year!}

You are officially the Queen of Summer.

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