Monday, January 7, 2013

New Mommy Bling & A Giveaway!

I know I've got a lot of catching up to do.  But, this post is waaaaaay too important for any old story I might write about on any plain old day.

Know why?

This just happens to be our 500th blog post!

Woot!  Woot!

{Que party horns, singing, and fireworks!}

And, because of this momentous occasion, I {along with a new friend} have a little surprise for you....

Oh, but first I need to stop for a minute and give my hubs some major props.  He totally outdid it this year for Christmas.  Long gone are the days where I would stuff my own stocking full of goodies just so the boys would think Momma had been a good girl {how many of you Moms out there do this?}.  Nope, none of that this year.  He did it all and somehow he figured out how to do it all without me finding out about any of it.  Sneaky guy.

I loved every second of this Christmas where Momma got everything she asked for.

But my favorite.  Oh, my favorite part of Christmas this year was nothing that I'd asked for.  It was a surprise.

A beautiful, hand-crafted, one-of-a-kind gift.  Something so thoughtful and meaningful that it made me cry when I opened it.

A hand-stamped necklace made by the talented Michelle at PolkaDaisy.

It is ahhhhmazing and one of my favorite parts about this necklace is that Michelle lives in Ottawa!  Yep, that's right, Brandon didn't scour the Internet to find this beautiful piece of jewelry, he found a local artist/jeweler/creator and shopped local.  Now, that's my kind of guy!

I love my new Mommy Bling!


Okay, now to the exciting part!!  Brandon may have mentioned this little blog of ours to Michelle when he ordered the necklace.  And, after a few emails with Michelle, she said that she would love to help us celebrate our 500th post by giving us a necklace to give away on the blog!

Here's the deal:  We are giving away a custom necklace just like mine {only, of course, yours will be personalized}!!  Pretty awesome, right?!  All you need to do is:

1) Go to PolkaDaisy's Facebook page and like it. Oh, and check out all of the amazing jewelry Michelle can make!

2) Start following this blog {if you're not already}.

3) Leave a comment below telling me a goal that you have for the new year.

Then, check back on Saturday {January 12th)  and we'll announce the winner {we will throw your name in a hat and have P and A draw for it}!

See, easy peasy lemon squeezey {as Parker would say}!

Good luck!  I hope you win some new Mommy {or Grandma or Aunt} Bling!

Happy Monday!

Oh, and Happy 500th Blog Post to us!


Emily said...

My main New Year's resolution is to 'unplug' myself. I am attempting to put down my laptop, stash away my phone, ignore the TV and just be more present in my kids' lives. And I 'liked' that page and I will follow you when I get home- its not letting me do that from my phone! (I am more of a casual, behind-the-scenes folower.... So I guess that makes me a stalker!)

-Emily Graves

Anonymous said...

This is such a great idea, Brooke. So excited to see what all Michelle can do. That said, my goal for 2013 is to spend more time with my family and friends, be less "plugged in" to the Internet and dive deeper in my faith walk.

-Lara Boyd

Unknown said...

I absolutely love that necklace. Brandon did a great job. He needs to give Jay some lessons on shopping :) I love reading your blogs!! My goal for 2013 is to just relax and be more patient. I want to live in the moment and not plan everything out.

happycakes0428 said...

Love the necklace, you are one lucky lady!!

My resolution is to "Be In The Moment" (might be a tattoo, this year) with my kids. Quit focusing on what needs to be done around the house, paying bills, etc.. I will give my kiddos my full undivided attention. And take the time to let loose and be silly with each other. My other resolution is to run in my first half marathon w/my bestie. ;)

Unknown said...

Oh! I WANT one!! My New Year's Resolution is to make more messes. I want to stop worrying about clean-up so much and just enjoy the playdough, or flour, or bits of paper while they last.

Anonymous said...

My main personal goal is to DRINK MORE WATER. Simple, but important. There are SO many ailments and health issues that can be relieved by this one routine habit.

But, I really like the previous post, too. I'd love to relax a little more and let the messes go! In fact, one of my friends who has grown children said that that is one of her main regrets when her children were young - that she was always stressed and harping on them about the house being a mess!


Alana said...

What a great Christmas present you recieved and what a great give away! I love following your beautiful family on the blog.

My main goal for 2013 is to re-read the Bible. Not just read it, but study and devour all its teachings again. I desire a better relationship with Christ.

Randi and Joe said...

Beautiful necklace! I love reading the adventures of the Riffel family! ( I think I am officially following your blog...maybe? Ha!)

One of my resolutions for 2013 is to soak up more of the little, precious moments with my family. I want to be a better wife and mother taking more time to enjoy every moment. This life is just flying by and I am trying to cherish it all!

Lanette said...

Of course I follow your blog, it's the best way to keep up on the happenings of one of my favorite families! I love your new mommy necklace! I, too, would love to have one of these necklaces so I'm sharing one of my new year's spend less and save more! We want to buy a boat so that we can spend some great family time enjoying the beautiful lakes in and around Hot Springs. My kiddos are growing up right before my eyes and we want to capture as many family moments as we can before they fly the coop!

Love you and miss you!


Robbie Strahm said...

I know that you also got some bracelets from your boys for Christmas. P & A were with me the day Brandon bought them and we exchanged several phone calls during which Brandon tried to get Parker to tell him exactly which bracelets you liked when he was with you at the Pink Suitcase! Lots of "not those" to the pictures Brandon texted to us! Anyway, a goal for the year....hmmm. I never sweated the messes when you were little and I think maybe your neatness is your rebellion against me:) A goal for me besides LOTS of gma time is to declutter a little so you and April won't have to go through all this stuff some day!
Love, MOM

Unknown said...

I love the necklace and the fact that Brandon picked it out on his own. Way to go Brandon!

My goals for 2013, like many other moms, are to enjoy the kids more and worry less about what's happening next or how messy the house is. Another personal goal is to drink more water and eat more vegetables! We have a family goal of being nice to each other. Sounds simple, but sometimes at the end of a long day, it's hard to remember.


Jenna said...

Love the Necklace!! :) And congrats on the 500th post!! I was excited when I hit 100 about 3 posts ago! lol
My goal for this year is - DECLUTTER! I'm really going to work on it this summer - but we have so much stuff and no room to put it! :)

Anonymous said...

Michelle is such a wonderful and talented lady, and I am excited to see you guys joining forces.

My goal for 2013 is to treat myself better and take better care of myself so that I can be a better mom, wife, friend, teacher, instructor, etc. It all starts within, right???

Cheers to a new year!

Jenise said...

What a neat idea! My resolution is to live in the moment and spend as much time with my family as I can. Don't worry about house work nearly as much and go with he flow as the boys are only little once!

Anonymous said...

Brooke, I love your new necklace. I like bling that has a message behind it. Each year Wendell and I evaluate our time spent and work on "intentional living" with our family. We know that the time with our children is fleeting and we want to raise them the serve the Lord and know Him.

Julie Hoffman said...

Love the necklace and love you guys! My New Years resolutions are to have more patience with my boys and to dive deeper into my relationship with God.

Anonymous said...

Thought I had already posted this but guess not! lol :)

Such a neat idea!!! Brandon did a great job picking that out!!

My resolution is to be more positive, to weed out the negative people in my life. I have gotten a good start on it so far but I have a ways to go. :)

Michelle Ferguson

Anonymous said...

My main goal this year would be to get my handmade soaps business up and running. I'll be able to be a stay at home mommy once I have our little girl and my dream has always been to be a small business owner. I love all natural soap products and hope the public will to! Wish me luck! And I am in awe of Michelle's jewelry it's beautiful. I have loved watching her grow in her craft. Great job Michelle. -Kayla Lee-