Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday Funnies

Okay, so we've been stuck in the house ALL weekend long.  We had a dad getting over the most miserable flu and a boy who {excuse my language} puked all night long on Friday and into Saturday morning and this means that we were pretty much quarantined to the house for the whole weekend.  

Sounds like a fun time, huh?

Here's why I {kinda} had fun this weekend:

In between the constant vomiting, the husband with a fever and chills, the little brother who only wants his Momma {no matter, really, even when I'm going to the bathroom, little guy wants me to hold him}, an empty kitchen {we didn't even have any dog treats left...Bella was peeved}, what seemed like hundreds of loads of laundry to wash the germs {and 6 vomit sessions} off of the sheets, blankets, and pillows, yes, in between all of this....there were a couple of funny moments when I just had to stop feeling sorry for us and laugh.  Because that's what you gotta do.

1) Parker has this thing for always wanting to play Lego Batman.  And, this weekend, when he just didn't feel up to playing Lego Batman, I found some old Power Rangers shows on Netflix for him to watch.  Big guy loved them.  And, as I was doing the dishes today, I heard him say to himself: 'That guy thinks she is hot.'  Ummmm...Excuse me?!  What did my five year old just say?!  HOT.  Really?!

So, I stopped what I was doing and {trying really hard not to crack up}, I asked Parker: 'What did you say?'

He replied {with a silly grin}: 'Mom, this guy on here, he thinks that pink Power Ranger is hot.'

I heard it right the first time.  I acted like I didn't know what that meant and said: 'What does that mean, like does it mean she's on fire?'

Parker: 'No Mom.  It means he thinks she's pretty.'  Brother knows his stuff.

I had to ask him what any mother would ask: 'Is there anyone that you think is hot?'

Parker: 'Ew.  No way.'  That's my boy.

{This is one of two photos I took over the weekend...yes, I think Andrew was picking it.}

2) Andrew has this thing he says when he needs help.  I think he's saying 'help me', but it sounds more like: 'ewwwlepmeeeee'.  All one word.  In a very high screeched, whiney, screaming voice.  Every time.  No matter what.

And, because I was a super tired Momma all day today, every time he'd screech this out, I would go to him and help him find a way to do it himself...which is better anyways, right?

Andrew wanted to turn the lights on and was standing under the switch screaming, 'weeelepmeeeee', so I grabbed his little stool from the bathroom and I showed him how to use the stool to reach the light switch.  Genius, right?

Here's the funny part.  Little Bro managed to haul that little stool all over the house to turn on all of the lights.  And then Little Bro went around and turned all of the lights off.  Making it pretty dark in the house.  No biggie, we'll just turn the lights back on.

Good try.  That little stinker would was like the light police.  I turned on the kitchen light to make dinner. Andrew turned it off.  Parker turned the light on to go to the bathroom.  Andrew followed him in to turn it off.  Brandon went downstairs to work at his computer.  Andrew picked up that red stool and plopped it down under the switch to turn the lights off.

{This is the other photo.}

I love him.

Our weekend may not have been full of fun memories or happy family moments, but at least I've got these two to hang onto.  Gotta love these little guys...even when they are laying in your bed, puking all over.

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