Sunday, March 20, 2011

Four Months Old!!

It's happening again. Just like it did with Parker. Andrew isn't matter how many time I tell him to stop growing and no matter how many times I ask time to stand still, no one listens! Once again, we're celebrating another month with Andrew in our lives and I sit here wondering where the time has gone?! It seems like just yesterday that we brought him home from the hospital (and, yes, I re-read my post about his birth and it brought back a flood of roller coaster memories), but yet, we feel like he's been a part of our family forever. Today is Andrew's four month birthday, so I had to mark this milestone with some pictures and some updates on our little (but big) Andrew.

Here are four updates for four month old Andrew!

1. Smiles, smiles, smiles! This must be the happiest baby I've ever met! He smiles at Parker (every time he sees him), he smiles at me, but mostly, he LOVES his dad and he smiles and smiles just sitting there watching Brandon! He smiles at Bella, he smiles at his ceiling fan, he smiles at the TV, and he smiles at stuffed animals. Andrew one social little guy and he shows it through his happy, toothless smile!

2. Rolling over- not yet! Andrew has absolutely no interest in rolling over. And that is fine with me!! I want my baby to stay baby longer and I don't need him reaching all of these milestones too early! If he is happy just laying in one spot, even if all of his toys are a roll away, then that is fine with me!! He'll get it one of these days! Meanwhile....

3. Tonight Andrew sat all by himself for about 10 seconds before toppling over to the side! We've been working on baby pilates (as we call them in our house) to help Andrew strengthen his chubby little core body. He is so good at holding his head up and wants so badly to sit up and see what everyone else sees, that we are often holding him in that position, putting him in his bumbo, or in the baby exersaucer. Well, tonight we tried just sitting him there and he did it!

4. Snuggles! Andrew has gotten to the point where he is big enough to snuggle us in bed with Parker!! Often, Brandon and I find ourselves with Parker, Andrew and Bella in our bed in the middle of the night ready for some super snuggling! This is exactly what we've been waiting for and we LOVE to snuggle! When this happens and Parker wakes up in the morning, he usually says, "Mom, the WHOLE family in is your bed!" It melts my heart because Parker is probably just as excited about our family as I am and he loves his brother!!

And....I know what you're all thinking (and I've been asked it a million times), "Does Andrew look like Parker?" My answer is, "Absolutely not!" Andrew is MUCH bigger than Parker was at this age, has almost no hair, is super chubby, and looks just like Brandon! While Parker has always taken after my side of the family, was always a skinny little guy, and had a huge comb over at birth! So, although these boys don't look very much alike, there are some similarities....they are both so smart (of course!), they both love to smile, they're both stubborn, and they LOVE each other so much, it makes my heart melt!!

Here are some pictures of the boys on Andrew's four month birthday (and it just happens to be Parker's 42 month birthday)!

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