Monday, March 21, 2011

The Life of a Working Parent...

So, since I've started back to work, everyone keeps asking me how it's going. My answer is always this, "Somehow we are getting it." Well...while that is a true statement, it doesn't really answer the question of "how it's going" now that I'm back at work. So, I am going to shed some light on this and fill you in on my day today (Monday, March 21st) as a working mom.

First, let me point out that last night was the first night that Andrew "slept all night" in my opinion. He slept from 7:45 pm to 5:20 am and then fell back asleep! So, last night was the first night in four months that Brandon and I slept for 7 hours straight! Well...Brandon (the best husband) got up to give Andrew a bottle, and Parker ended up coming up to our room at about the same time. (Just giving you a "normal" morning scene at the Riffel house.)

So, here's my day:

5:45 am- I get up and get in the shower (sometimes even earlier, if Andrew is awake or if I just can't sleep). I get ready for the day (everything except my work clothes because I don't want to risk getting spit-up on or pooped/peed on). Haha!

7:00 am- The boys usually get up. This morning Parker woke up in our bed...and had wet our bed. Why he did this today, I don't know. He hasn't wet the bed for at least 3 months or so. Brandon or I get them fed (usually Parker wants peanut butter and jelly toast and Andrew gets a bottle).

7:45 am- We are out the door! We haven't been too late yet! I have to admit that Parker and Andrew are so good in the mornings. They make it so easy for us!! Brandon takes the boys to Sherry's house in the morning and I head to work.

8:00 am- Get to work and start working (boring, I know, but also very busy!).

12:00 pm- Today I had a lunch meeting for a Chamber event I'm helping to put on for kids. A "working lunch" as I like to call it, so no quiet time or down time today!!

1:00 pm- I ran home REALLY quickly to do 3 things- make dinner for the boys (sloppy joes....I have to work tonight), switch the laundry (after Parker's peeing incident), put new bedding on our bed, and put away and do a load of dishes. Okay, I guess that is four things.

1:45 pm- Run some errands for work.

2:30 pm- Get back to work to do more work stuff....boring.

5:00 pm- My student workers get there and we start working the phonathon.

8:15 pm (or so)- I head home and get there just in time to snuggle Parker and read books! Unfortunately, Andrew is already in bed, but I know I'll get to snuggle him in the morning (going in to work late tomorrow morning).

9:00 pm- I do the dishes from the boy's dinner.

9:30 pm- I lay down in bed and read my book until my eyes get so droopey, I can't stay awake any longer!

10:00 or 10:30- I drift off into dreamland!!

(This will be our schedule for the next few weeks, while I'm working 3-nights/week, but it will go back to normal after that....still busy, but more normal!!) answer the question about "how it's going?" Here is my honest response: "Somehow we are making everything work. We are in our routine or in our groove and it feels good. What used to take me all day (when I was at home), I can now get done in 45 minutes on my lunch hour. When I get to Sherry's to pick up the boys, I get the biggest smiles and hugs I've ever gotten from them and that is my favorite part of the day. Brandon and I really do have this down to a science and while everything doesn't always go as planned, I know he's always got my back and I've got his. This is a team effort and we are winning!"

It's not always easy being working parents, but the quality time that we have with Parker and Andrew are worth it! This foursome is right on track!


Jenna said...

This post gives me anxiety about when I have to go back to work! But it's other working moms like you that help me know I can do it! :)

brookeriffel335 said...


You can do it! You have such a strong support group (especially in John) and you guys will get the hang of it- and just remember that with each new stage, it gets easier and you will be more comfortable with everything that comes along with being a parent!!