Sunday, March 20, 2011

Let's Go Fly A Kite!

Sunday was spectacular! It was sunny, so warm, and a little bit windy....there's no better day than a day like Sunday to fly a kite! As we drug Parker up and down the aisles of Costco and Andrew patiently sat in his car seat in the cart, Parker kept asking me, "Mom, where are the toys in this store?!" And, as many of you probably know....there aren't usually a whole lot of toys in Costco. So...when we found the kites and Parker got super excited about the pirate ship kite, I knew we weren't leaving the store without it!! It was absolutely perfect....and after putting it together (after all, it is a 3-D pirate ship kite), Brandon and Parker went out to the field behind our house (where there are no electrical lines) and flew the kite!

Now, I was inside feeding Andrew and putting him down for a nap when they got the kite in the air, but I managed to sneak out onto the deck just in time to snap a picture of the kite with the string totally extended!! What a wonderful experience for Parker and a fun way to spend a beautiful Sunday afternoon!!

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