Monday, September 19, 2011

10 Things I Love About TODAY!

As our schedules this fall just keep getting busier and busier (something I didn't even think was possible), I find myself loving the little things...those tiny moments that sometimes pass you by, but that are what make up our lives...what make us complete. So, today, instead of posting photos from the super fun birthday party that Parker had this weekend (don't worry, there will be a post about that soon) and the time shifting car show that was in town this weekend, or all of the fun new things Andrew is learning, I am going to take a moment to share 10 (little) things about TODAY that I love....

1. Number one has to be the beautiful FALL weather we're having. I LOVE IT. Fall is my absolute favorite time of year, and it's mostly due to the weather!

2. My new fall shoes that came in the mail over the well as all of the boy's new fall clothes!! Yeah for seasons! I love being able to change out our looks for every season and I absolutely love the fact that I can do most of our shopping online. This busy Momma has no time for that!

3. I love coming home in the middle of the day to find toys all over the house. Especially new birthday toys!

4. My job. Right now my job is stressful. Crazy. Sometimes impossible. But, I love it! Where else does part of your job entail going to a panel discussion that highlights Former President of the Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko and his amazing wife? Where else do you get to witness daily young minds taking shape and learning about life? There's no place I'd rather be (okay, I guess I'd rather be at home taking a nap with my little guys, but we all know that job is WAY more stressful than this one!).

5. I love that today I got to make cookies for Parker to take to school tomorrow for his birthday. What an amazing time he will have tomorrow, on his 4th birthday!!

6. This morning something incredible entire family slept until around 7:45 am. This never happens. So, when the clock struck 8:00 am and we weren't ready to head out the door, I wasn't frustrated or upset that I was going to be late to work. Nope. I was so happy that my boys are healthy, growing, and cheerful because of the extra hour of sleep they got this morning!

7. I love it that today I got to have a lunch date with my husband. This hasn't happened for quite some time...usually one of us is running off to a lunch meeting, eating at home so that we can catch up on the laundry, staying at work to eat lunch, or picking Parker up from preschool. But not today, today we had a date and I loved it!

8. This morning my two boys ate breakfast together at the little table in the kitchen. I love this!!!!

9. Halloween decorations! I love getting these out every year!!

10. I love these little baskets. We've always had one up for Parker (they are hanging on our pantry door) and now Andrew has one for himself. They hold some pretty special bouncey balls, a plastic wrench, a tinker toy, and many other things that my boys like to get out and play with at various times throughout the day (usually while I'm making dinner). They are a reminder to me of just how special my boys are and just how much spunk their sweet personalities bring into my life!!

What do you love about TODAY?

1 comment:

kjanedesigns said...

I loved this list! Made me want to come up with ten things of my own! ;) thanks for the inspiration!