Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Birthday Boy!!

Parker is now a four year old! What a fun week we've had celebrating his birthday and making sure his birthday party and birthday were special for him!!

This year I struggled with what to do for Parker's birthday party...not sure what to do, I thought this would be the perfect year to ask Parker what he wanted to do. So, I gave him some choices- did Parker want to have a party at the zoo? Did Parker want to have it at home? Did we want to go to the indoor aquatic center? None of those seemed right, so I asked him one more time...Did Parker want to have his birthday party at his newest favorite hang out, Leaping Lizards? You bet!

So, on Saturday we had a great time at Leaping Lizards with all of Parker's very best buddies, cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents!! Let me tell you, these bounce houses were just the right place for Parker's 4th birthday...there's something magical about flying through the air in a bounce house that makes little boys (and girls) squeal with laughter!

Parker's buddies are the best! They are all so well-behaved and we have some pretty great friends in their parents. Parker is also very lucky to have aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents who all love to see him on his birthday! Thank you all for being at Parker's Leaping Lizard's (and buggy explorer) party!!

Andrew even had fun at Parker's party!

Birthdays are a big deal at our house! And, usually there is so much planning, cleaning, wrapping, and time getting prepared that I ask one of my good friends to make all of the goodies. This time, because we were 'outsourcing' the birthday party to Leaping Lizards, and because Parker asked for an easy treat, I thought I'd make it myself. Here's my first ever homemade cake and decorating. Not too bad for a buggy, muddy cake!

Parker and his best buddies enjoyed the day! It was so much fun!

Brandon and I always make it a point to go big on the birthday DAY...I mean, what could be more special than celebrating the day my boys were born! On Tuesday we celebrated Parker's actual birthday day and we had some major plans for that day!!

We started out the day with PRESENTS!! I love watching my Parker open gifts and see his reaction to the things that I pick out that I think he'll love...I think his face sums up how he feels about presents!!

Parker is totally into CARS 2. He loves race tracks, he loves to collect the different cars, he loves the Cars Legos, the DS Game, etc. So, this year, I had a Cars 2 theme going on and he loved it!

We also had another special surprise for Parker on his birthday....we got him a fish tank!! Parker got to go up to the Pet Store later that day and pick out his fishies....meet the two newest members of our family, Hammy and Stringy (yes, Parker named them).

After opening gifts it was time for Parker to go to school. And on this special day, Brandon and I were invited to join him at school- what a special treat!

Now...this wasn't just any special birthday at school. Parker's birthday was the first one in his class and we were the first parents to have the opportunity to visit the classroom! We were all excited and I was so impressed with Parker's teachers and the kids in his class!!

We did all of the school day activities...

We played with all of the kids...

We did a craft (it was Black day at school...they were studying black and the letter B)...

(You'll notice that there are no photos of us doing the craft...Brandon had to go help a table of kids with theirs!)

We ate a special birthday snack (Parker's favorite cookies)...

We played outside...

The kids had their first chapel with Pastor Tim and it was pretty special when the kids went down the line and introduced themselves and said how old they were, to hear Parker say that he was four years old....the only four year old (so far) in the class!

And, the class sang to Parker, he got to put a special birthday sticker on the calendar, and he got to move his name from the number 3 to the number 4.

It was a great day at school. Thank you Miss Angie, Miss Allison, and Miss Susan for making it so special for my Parker. And, I have to tell you all how tired I was after preschool- those teachers have some magic energy!

After school we took Parker to his favorite eating spot- Wendy's. This kid loves Wendy's chicken nuggets (bleh!), so on his birthday we had to go there and eat inside (which we try not to ever do)!

Parker had a great afternoon of picking out new fish, hanging out with his little bubba, visiting with Grandma Robbie, his Morgan and Avery and Aunt Dana and Uncle Joe, and his Grandma Julie and Papa...and to finish out the day, we went to his second favorite place to eat- Pizza Shoppe...with a little trip to the ice cream store for dessert.

What a fun day we had - a day that was so packed full of fun that it helped keep my mind off of the fact that Parker is now four! Crazy, I know, but my little baby boy is growing up so fast and is quickly becoming a kid full of life and spunk...a kid that I admire, love to talk to, love to watch movies with, and love to just sit and watch in whatever he is up to....and part of me wants him to stay that little guy that was so attached to his mom just last year.

But, then I shake myself out of that funky mood and I realize that I LOVE everything about the kid that Parker has become and I am extremely excited about what his future holds and the years that are ahead of him. As Parker said on Tuesday: "Mom, one day I will be a grandpa...I think I'll be like Grampa Pokey (a local balloon artist who is always at kid's events in our community) and I'll make special balloons for kids...like airplanes and flowers and swords."

Such a simple thing to say, but so true. Yes, Parker is growing up fast.

Happy birthday to my sweet sugar boy! We love you so much!!

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