Saturday, September 24, 2011

New Game in Town...

There's a new game in town at the Riffel house. Well, I guess, technically, it's not NEW, but it's a game that we haven't seen played for a few years. It's a game that I call 'Chase the Baby'. In this game, you are the winner if you can get to Andrew's final destination before he does. This game must be a family favorite of ours, because every time I turn around, it seems like someone is playing it!

'Chase the Baby' or 'Getcha Getcha' as Parker calls it, is one that wears this Momma out. Here are some examples of how we play it:

You are the winner if....

- You can beat Andrew to the stairs.

- You can beat Andrew into any room and get there before he closes the door.

- You can run faster than Andrew crawls to any of Parker's new tiny Legos.

- You win if you can get between Andrew and Bella before he gets to her and pulls her super soft ears.

- You win if you can get to Andrew before he crawls off of the blanket outside and into wet grass or mud or sand or anything else that he might put into his mouth.

- You can get to Parker's milk on his table before Andrew does....Parker does not use cups with lids anymore.

- And, last but not least, you are the winner if you can beat Andrew to Bella's water dish before he splashes it on the floor and then proceeds to put his dog water hand in his mouth (this one makes me gag a little).

So, you see this game is hard to win, but instead of being disappointed in loosing, Parker, Brandon, and I have decided to make it make Andrew squeal with delight as we chase him around the house. And, you know what, my little guys is usually laughing so much by the time he reaches his final destination, that he forgets what he was after!

Here are some photos of the new game in town (and just one way that Parker likes to play...on Brandon's back...which makes Andrew laugh even louder!):

Thank God for baby gates!!

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