Tuesday, September 6, 2011

School Days!

Parker woke up at 6:15 am, asking if he could get dressed and go to school...that's just how excited he was about his first day at Westminster Cooperative Preschool!!

Last night, we picked out his first 'school outfit' and got it all ready to put on. This morning, he was a changed boy. He put his dishes in the sink, without being asked...he brushed his teeth on his own, he put his shoes and socks on (right when I asked him to), turned the cartoons off when he was asked to, and when we pulled out of the driveway (about 20 minutes too early because he just couldn't wait any longer), he sat a little taller and looked so much bigger.

Parker loved his first day at school.

And, if you ask him about his day....he'll act like it was no biggie, but you can tell he's got an extra bounce in his step...he is a big boy now.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Love finding another Ottawa mom's blog! Saw you on Miss Priss and Me...great blog! My oldest just started Kindergarten and you'd think after 2 years of pre-school this momma would be prepared for "big kid" school..ya um not so much!