Wednesday, May 9, 2012

First Flight

Well, we survived our first flight with two kids and they both did wonderfully!  And, although this trip was not a 'vacation', but more of a sad trip, both of the boys enjoyed their flight {Parker's 3rd time flying and Andrew's first flight!} and our trip turned out to be good.

{Andrew was pretty sleepy in this photo and ended up sleeping through both flights!}

{Parker was giddy with excitement throughout the entire flight and is such a sweet boy!}

Our trip was smooth and uneventful, except for the fact that Brandon forgot to pack underwear and my first stop was at Gap to get him some undies.  {Yes, go ahead and laugh at my husband...I remembered to pack everything for 3 people, while he forgot his own underwear.}

We visited with family and celebrated the life of Poppy.  We shopped a little and ate tons of food.  And, while I tried to document our moments in Colorado with photos, somehow I forgot to pack the camera back up and it is still enjoying some time in the, sadly, I have no other photos to share with you today.  This is what happens when you have to be at the Denver airport at 8:30 are bound to forget something!

I am so proud of my boys for being such wonderful travelers.  I couldn't have asked for an easier trip and I owe that to the boys.  While most moms probably believe their kids make life complicated and harder, I've learned that it's the opposite with my boys.  They make my life joyful and {most of the time} pretty easy.

Not to mention, I had some pretty awesome helpers.

{This is Parker and my two nieces- you know the phrase, "It takes a village...," well, it's true and I am so thankful to have had these two cousins with us.  They mean the world to my little guys!}

When it came time to leave, Parker was disappointed that we didn't get to go 'climbing in the mountains', but I reassured him that in just a couple of short months, we would be the mountains, with the camper, and there would be lots of climbing to do.  Although we won't be going out west to visit Poppy, we will be heading out to make our annual trip to Colorado in July and we can't wait for it!

Thank you for hosting us for this short trip, Uncle John and Aunt Jan, Grandma and Papa, we appreciate EVERYTHING you do for us and are excited to see you again soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad the trip went well and I look forward to being part of the adventure in a few months! Tell Parker we can go climbing in the mountains every day on vacation.

Auntie April