Thursday, May 31, 2012

First {real} Swim

It's a right of passage for all children on Memorial Day Weekend.

The pool opens.

And, because this Momma hates crowded swimming pools, with goobers floating in the water, I put if off for the entire weekend. 

After days of begging and a few tears shed by P-Man, I caved, and I took them to the small pool where we have a membership...waiting until the evening hours....hoping there wouldn't be a gazillion other families with the same idea.

The water was cold but the sun was hot and these boys of mine....they love the swimming pool.

The thing I love most about this pool is that it's not too big...I don't loose my kids in it.  There is almost always a friend there to play with, and we can bring our own food {packing PB & J sandwiches for dinner}.

{I love this photo because I took it right after Parker's friend told him, "We will be friends forever!"  Melt my heart.  I hope so.}

Summer is my favorite.

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