Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I got my camera back today! I love my camera!

For the past two weeks I've been using my mom's little point and shoot and although I am thankful for the camera to capture all of the moments that have occured throughout the past couple of weeks, I really missed my Canon....the one I know how to use...the camera where half of the photos I take aren't in actuality, video.  Yes, half of the photos I took with mom's camera were video...I must have pushed the wrong button...imagine that.

I'm gonna get caught up now.

Starting with our trip to Colorado....Andrew's first airplane ride...Poppy's funeral service...and lots and lots of bubbles.


Bubble Machines are so much fun...and apparently they are even more fun in Colorado!

Poppy's Service

Poppy's service was cold and rainy, but that didn't stop us from celebrating a wonderful life and love for Poppy.  This was the first true military service I'd ever been to - it was touching and beautiful.

Now, here's where I left our camera in Colorado.

And here's what happened after that...

A Mother's Day party at Parker's school.

Where Parker wanted to invite Aunt April and Aunt Dani {and his other aunts and all of his grandmas}.

And, just look at this little cutie pie.  Yep, he's my curly cue, who sometimes get mistaken for a girl at Target by a senile old lady.  But, obviously he's my surfer dude and I can picture him on a sandy beach, hauling that surf board around someday.  Don't you agree?

Brothers with hats on, reading books, in a bed where the sheets are being washed.  Enough said.

We celebrated Mother's Day with a day at the park with grandmas, aunts, and great grandmas.

{From left to grandma Elaine, Andrew, me, Parker, my sister April, my grandma Ruth, and my Momma.}

We ended up riding the train at Gage Park....something I remember doing as a kid and something I am happy to be sharing with my kiddos on Mother's Day.  It was a beautiful day!

Onto the next day....

Parker made me some new pots...for our herb garden...for the new house.

I got to watch Parker's first tee-ball game.  And he was amazing!

 {I love this photo...look at those fielders scramble for the ball while Parker races toward first base!}

 And, just for's a photo of Andrew and I cheering big bubba on!

It feels like summer around here, but technically, we couldn't start summer until after the last day of school.

Look at how much Parker has grown since his first day of school.

His class celebrated with a trip to the park...

And, after school, I took Parker and his buddy Carter out to lunch and then Parker got to play at Carter's house.  A very special day indeed.

And, to cap off the past two weeks, we celebrated two pretty special birthdays.


We partied good.

With watermelon.

And good friends.



So...this is what we've been up to.  Many, many moments.  I'm so happy to have my camera back.

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