Saturday, September 8, 2012

Fall Favorite: Soccer

I know it's not 'offically' fall.  But, in my opinion, fall starts with school, with cool evenings, and I love fall.  I have so many favorite things about fall that I can't get them all into one post.

One thing I love most about fall - soccer.  I've always loved soccer {not that I am all that good at playing it} and last year Parker got to play soccer for the first time and he fell in love with it also.

Today he had his first game.

And, for my big {little} guy, he is very good at soccer.

I believe he scored a couple of goals....

He ran, kicked, blocked, and scored.

He's tough.  At one point in the game, Parker was caught up in a dog pile and was stepped on.  He got up, had a few tears, and went back in the game.  Just in time to assist in another goal!

Every time I witness my big guy doing something new.  Something that I know I can't do.  Something that takes 'big kid skills'.  I catch my breath.  And, I think about how fast he is growing up.

He is really good at this.  As he is with most things he does.

My little bubs also enjoys soccer.

While wearing his Cars slippers {that he wore all morning...don't you dare try to take those get the loudest, heart-wrenching squeal you've ever heard}.  On a baseball field.

We had a fun fall morning.  A beautiful fall morning.

{A silly fall morning.}

A fall favorite kind of a day.

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