Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sweetie Boy

Andrew is my Sweetie Boy.  He completes my family...my world.

You see why?

In less than two months, my Sweetie Boy will be two years old.  Really.

It seems like everyday Andrew is learning something new, whether it's reading a silly book, being able to point out all of his animals, knowing all of our names, body parts, and knowing all of the characters in Toy Story and what they say.

He's my spunky boy.  He's got a lot of it.  I love it.

So, while Parker has been experiencing all of these milestone moments in his life that require us to have a camera out, capturing every moment, Andrew has also been experiencing some pretty major milestones.  And, while photos can't capture all of these, I know they've been happening.

Andrew has new teeth, grew a few inches over the summer, has shorter hair, has learned to give kisses {instead of bite}, he can make our Riffel Family 'I Love You' sign, he ways 'good bye' every night before bed {instead of good night}, he knows that he needs to leave his Woody doll in his car seat every morning before he goes into Sherry's house and every morning we ask Woody what he plans on doing that day, he loves his brother with all of his heart, and he loves his DAD more than anything.  Of course, he loves his MA {as he is usually shouting}, although I'm usually loved the most when he's got a boo boo or is sad because his big brother is picking on him.

I can't believe Andrew will be two in less than two months.  My Sweetie Boy is growing up so fast. So fast.  Love you, my Sweetie Boy!

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