Thursday, September 20, 2012

Five Years Ago

Five years ago today, Parker was born.

And, last night before we went to bed, I made him watch this with me.

{I don't think I've shared this video since the day Parker was born.  I love watching it. Over and over and over and over.}

After 23 hours of labor, my sweet boy came into this world.  At 9 lbs. 4 oz. and with a head full of dark hair, Parker made me a Momma that night.

It's hard to believe that was five years ago.

Every night before Parker falls asleep, I tell him how proud I am of him.  And, out of the blue, tonight, he asked my why.  I think it's this new five year old mind...always asking questions, always full of answers, and always thinking and evaluating everything I say.

I answered him like this: "Oh Parker, I am proud of you for so many reasons.  I am proud of everything you do at school and how much you help out at Sherry's house.  I am proud of you because you are so sweet to your brother, your momma and dad, and all of your friends.  I am proud of you because you are so smart and you listen so good, and you always try your best.  I am proud of you for trying new things.  I am proud of you for making good choices.  I am proud of how silly you are and how much fun you have in life.  But, most of all, I am just proud of you.  YOU are amazing.  I am proud of you every day."

He shrugged and rolled over.  I think he was smiling.

Parker, 5 years ago, you made me a Momma.  I love being a Momma.  I love you.

And, not only did you make me a Momma, your Dad became a Dad.  Your Grandmas became Grandmas and your Grandpas became Grandpas.  Your Aunts and Uncles became Aunts and Uncles.  You even made your cousins become cousins. And, Grandma Elaine and Grandma Ruth became a Great Grandmas.

{They'd been waiting for almost an entire day to meet our Parker-Man.  They couldn't wait to hear your name!}

You make us all so proud.

Happy birthday my sweet boy!  You're officially five today!

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