Thursday, September 13, 2012

Table Tops & Back Rolls

Don't call it a back bend.

My little gymnast will correct you.  Parker informed me: "Mom, stop calling it a back bend.  It's called a table top."

Me: "Well then, what do you call the back roll?"

Parker: "It's called a back roll." {Duh.}

He loves it.

We weren't sure if gymnastics would be his thing.  Brandon was skeptical about his little boy doing gymnastics.  Because, let's face it, there weren't any boys in the class last year.  But, I reassured Brandon that gymnastics would help him in every sport he plays.  Plus, look at those awesome moves the guys had in the Olympics.

 Just like soccer, Parker looks forward to gymnastics every week.

It doesn't hurt that a few of his best buddies are in the same class.

This whole parenthood thing just keeps getting better and better.  It is so much fun to watch my littles grow and learn, and try new things.

{Parker: "Mom, today I did 100 chin-ups." I think he means 10, but whatever.  I know he could do 100.}

Like table tops and back rolls.

What an awesome experience for my little man.

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