Thursday, September 6, 2012

{pre} school

Today Parker had his last first day of preschool.

He is pretty big stuff this year.

This morning we walked into school...he didn't even hold my hand.  He walked right up.  He held open the door for his mom.  And, he knew just what to do.

We love our preschool.  We love the teachers.  We love the other kids and their parents.  And so, when I walked Parker into his class today and bent down to give him a hug, here's what he had to say: "It's okay, Mom.  I just want to go play with my friends."

And, I knew he'd be ok.  I've read a lot of blog posts recently written by other moms about how nervous their kids were about school {and about how nervous those same moms were on the first day}.

{One of Parker's best friends in preschool...who just happens to be the teacher's son...was peeking out at Parker before school started.  Love these kids.}

But not Parker.  He's my big guy.  Ready to take on the world of preschool.

This Momma, however, drove on to work as a blubbery mess.  Maybe it's because I realized that this will be his very last first day walking into preschool.  Maybe it's because he's now in the oldest of the preschool classes.  Maybe it's because he was so brave and didn't need his Mom to hold his hand or walk him in on the first day.  Whatever it is, I just lost it.

What made me suck it up?  {Besides the fact that I was headed into work.}  The moment Brandon and I pulled in to pick him up.

Parker had a wonderful day at school.  Yep, he's got this.  He's rockin' preschool this year.

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