Thursday, February 17, 2011


Oh how I loved today! The weather was PERFECT and although I started the day a little sad because I knew Brandon had to work late, I ended my day playing outside until dinner time and hanging out with my Mom, Parker, and Andrew!

Parker had a friend spend the day with us and it is AMAZING how much they entertain each other! Andrew and I would go and check on them in the play room and find them giggling with delight as the dinosaur roared at the snorkel they played in Parker's ball pit and said things like, "that is AWESOME," and, "that is so COOL!" Our little Parker Man is becoming a big Parker Man and I love how he interacts with his "buddies" and how he has so much fun with his friends!

Because the weather was so beautiful today, all of us had to get outside and enjoy it! I love our neighborhood- on our block alone we have 8 little boys (plus 3 more in the next block over) between the ages of 0 and 9. On days like today our neighborhood is FILLED with boys riding their bikes, scooters, shooting hoops, kicking the soccer ball, drawing with chalk, frisbees are flying, and a cul-de-sack right around the corner, where there are no houses- perfect for a few games of "red light/green light", "red rover", "freeze tag" (although none of us really knew the rules), and "what time is it Mr. Fox?"!! All of the boys fell down, skinned their knees, giggled, and soaked up the sun...I think Parker even got a little sweaty!

Andrew even got to go on his first walk around the neighborhood and never fell asleep- he was soaking up all of the fun, just like the older boys! His friend Logan was the same- sitting in his stroller in awe of the boys running and laughing!

Needless to say, we were all pooped out when we came inside. We ate dinner, took baths, and everyone was in bed by the time dad got home! What a fun day we had! So much fun that I forgot to take pictures!

Spring- please come soon! I can't wait for all of the beautiful days that are right around the corner!!

(Oh- and did I mention that ALL of the snow is gone!:))

1 comment:

happeningsofourhome said...

It was a BEEEEEEEEEAUTIFUL day, indeed! Glad you & your boys soaked it all up! =)