Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"I really, really love...

Aunt Dani!" Now...Parker loves all the ladies in his life, but there's one that holds a particularly special place in his heart and he told me all about it the other night. Every summer when daycare closes (for anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks), Aunt Dani steps in and "plays" with Parker (and last summer she even got to play with one of Parker's best buddies, Anthony) all summer long. From taking walks to the playground and hunting for alligators, to the swimming pool, to driving to Lawrence to eat gross cookies with Grandpa Mike, and watching hours of Mickey's Christmas (even though it's the middle of July) Aunt Dani has made every summer of Parker's life memorable and fun! This being said, Parker absolutely loves his Aunt Dani. And, during this season of love, Parker and I were talking about all of the special people in our lives and Parker immediately thought of his special Aunt Dani.

Parker and I were talking about sending "Balentines" to all of his cousins, his grandparents, and all of his aunts and uncles. Parker then said, "I am going to sent one to Aunt Dani because I really, really love her!" Every time Parker says something like this (it's usually about Aunt Dani), I call her and tell her exactly what he said before I forget what it was! So, I called Aunt Dani and he is in the background saying, "Yep, I love my Aunt Dani." Then....the other night (after trying to get Parker to make "Balentines" all evening with no luck), he was in the bathtub and he said, "Mom, I need to send Aunt Dani her surprise." I looked at him funny and he said, "I need to send her some hearts because I love her for Balentines Day." He then told me that he doesn't make good hearts and so I told him he could send her one of the machines he made. He was okay with that, but he wants to make sure she gets the girl machine!

I know that Aunt Dani loves him so much and she makes Parker feel so special every time they are together. Parker is so lucky to have Aunt Dani in his life (along with all of his other aunts and uncles) and the time they've spent together is something special that they will always share with each other- no one else!

So...for all of you ladies out there that know how much Parker loves them...other aunts, grandmas, cousins, Sherry, Bella, and yes, even his swim teacher, Laurie, Parker loves all of you and may even send you a Balentine machine, but his Aunt Dani is his favorite girl this Balentines Day! :)


Anonymous said...

Awwwww! That's so cute!! I hope You guys are staying warm in this cold! Can't wait till the next time I see you!



brookeriffel335 said...

I hope none of my sisters are jealous of Dani- I hope I made it clear how much Parker loves all of his aunties, but that Aunt Dani may have a one-up on you all because of the summers she spends with Parker!! :) He said something again tonight about Aunt Dani and how he is going to spend the night with her (I'm not sure where he got this idea), but he is lovin his Aunt Dani!

Lauryn- can't wait to see you again too!!! Come over anytime!!!!!!!