Monday, February 28, 2011

First Day...Last Day

Today is an exciting day for our family! Today is Andrew's first day at Sherry's house, Parker's first day with Andrew at Sherry's house, and my last day at home on family leave. I dropped both boys off (along with ALL of Andrew's gear....I made three trips into Sherry's house!) at 8:15 am this morning and didn't leave until around 8:45 am. It was hard to leave, especially because Andrew was already cooing and smiling at Sherry and Parker was deep in play mode with his friend Alexis. I doubt either one of them even noticed that I left! But, I gave them both a million hugs and kisses and I left them to play, explore, learn, and have fun TOGETHER with Sherry. I was driving home (yes, one last day at home to try and catch up on housework before I go back to work) my eyes teared up. I am not sad because I have to go back to work (I love both of my jobs- being Mom and being Brooke) and I'm definitely not sad to be leaving my boys with Sherry- Sherry is WONDERFUL and Parker loves her so much (and, I really think Andrew fell in love with her this morning when they were "talking" to each other). I am sad because from now on, I know that time is going to FLY by!! I've been home now for almost 15 weeks- I can't believe it! Where have the past 3 months gone?! And, now that "life as we know it" is going to return, only this time we have two kids, I know it's going to be a whirlwind of memories- just like the past 3.5 years have been with Parker.

So, after a couple minutes of feeling sorry for myself, I realized something...I remembered just how much I LOVE every new stage with these two boys!! I remembered how flexible my job is to allow me to spend as much time as possible with my family and how important family life is at the University. I remembered how excited I got when Parker learned to roll over, crawl, walk, say "momma", eat baby food, give kisses, etc. that I can't wait for Andrew to do!! And, I am looking forward to this fall when Parker will start preschool and how excited he is about this! So...although time is going to continue to get away from me....I wouldn't trade this time that I have in life for anything!

This is an exciting day in our is a last day and a first day, and it is the beginning of the rest of our lives! I love this new life!

Andrew getting ready for Sherry's house...

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