Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Wonderful Day

I'm playing a little catch-up here...Andrew's 2nd birthday was one week ago.

We had a wonderful day.

In my 32 years of living in the 'Kansas City area', I've never ever been to the Kansas City Zoo.

And, because my little boys love animals more than anything, and because the forecast for last Tuesday was a beautiful, warm, fall day, we decided that the zoo would be the perfect place to celebrate my little monkey's 2nd birthday.

We loved it.

Ask Andrew what his favorite part of the day was and he'll say: 'Bear.  Beeeiiig Bear."

And, this wasn't just any big bear.  It was a big Polar Bear.  A big Polar Bear that liked to show off.

Doing back flips.   Again.  And again.  And again.  I think my boys stood at that Polar Bear window for a good 45 minutes before we finally told them that the Polar Bear needed a nap {and they needed some dinner}.

Okay, now ask Parker what his favorite part of the day was...besides the Sea Lion Show...besides the Polar Bear...besides the train and the carousel...and he'll tell you it was riding the 'ski lift'.

And, just like that Polar Bear, he wanted to ride it again and again and again and again.

We ended up limiting it to two rides.  Oh man, he was sad when we told him we were only going two times....poor kid.

Luckily Andrew decided to take a little snooze while Big Broski wanted to ride the lift.

I tell ya.  That lift made this nervous Momma freak out a little.  I think I repeated this a hundred times: 'Sit still, Parker.  Scoot back, Parker.  Hold on, Parker!'

Here's what made this special day such a wonderful day: Andrew.  My little man had no idea that this day was just for him.  Two year olds don't really understand the concept of birthdays.  Or that the party is just for them.  Or that their mom planned out a special day just for them.  He had no idea that Parker was in on this plan...a plan to make it the best day ever for Little Bubs.

But, my Andrew, he ate this day up.  No, wait, he devoured this day.

A picnic lunch at the zoo.

A birthday train ride {or two}.

Seeing animals that Andrew's read about in books.  Hearing Animals that we've only heard on TV. Watching his eyes light up as we fed a baby orangutan {don't tell the zoo people!}.  Playing on the playground.  Waking up to a Sea Lion show.  Feeding Llamas, goats, mules, and watching an elephant snarf up his hay snack.  Riding a carousel.  Andrew loved it.

My baby boy is two now.  He's lived a whole week of being two.  And, just in this past week he's changed so much.

Yep, he got a big boy haircut.

And, not only does he look like a big boy, he's talking like a big boy.  Playing like a big boy. Watching big boy TV shows like his Big Bubs.  Wearing big boy clothes.  Eating big boy food.

This whole 'being a two year old' thing?  He's got it down.

I think two year olds are my favorite.

What a wonderful day we had celebrating my favorite two year old.

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