Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Family Night

I think I've written and said this a hundred times {if not more}, but I love our preschool.  There's no better place for my kiddos to get their first dose of school days than at Westminster.  The teachers are wonderful {last year and this year}, Parker has such sweet friends at school, all of the parents are nice and very involved, and they do things like this: Family Night.

I know ya'll remember Parker's performance on Valentine's Day, at his first school program.  Yep, the teachers remember too.  So, this year they decided to teach the kids about singing and not shouting.

{That's Parker in the back row, with his mouth open, singing perfectly...and having a great time!}

I'm tellin' ya, Parker listens to those teachers.  Last year they told him to sing loud so everyone could hear.  This year they taught him to sing loud, not shout.  He did what he was told, again.

Little bro wanted a little piece of this program.  So much that he got super duper sad when he saw Parker up on stage and he couldn't go be with his big bubs.  Made my heart smile...and, then I quickly had to remove him from the room so he wouldn't cry through the whole program.  But, as Brandon was taking him out of the room....I noticed all of the parents in the room smiling, with their understanding looks as Andrew passed them by, crying.  Like I said, they're all so nice.

Grandma and Grandpa joined us on Family Night.  The class sang a few of their favorite songs.  We played Thanksgiving Bingo.  We made a turkey out of our handprints.  And, Andrew's favorite part of the night, we ate cookies.  We closed down the Family Night party.  It was a perfect evening.

I am so so so so thankful for our preschool family.

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