Thursday, November 8, 2012

Shouting Out Thanks on the 7th and 8th

Yesterday was a roller coaster of a day for me.  Andrew is still icky, I didn't get much sleep {and neither did either one of my little guys}, and I was leaving town for 3 days...really one whole day away from my boys, but two nights...who's counting, right?

So, I was excited for the 'away time' I was about to have with Brandon, but super sad to be leaving my boys, especially since Andrew wasn't feeling well.

But, I knew it would be okay.  Like I said in an earlier post...My Mom was coming to the rescue.  And, there's no one better to be with the boys when they aren't feeling well.  She's a nurse practitioner; therefore, she has an 'in' with all health care providers in Ottawa. Wink, wink.

On the 7th and 8th of this month where I've decided I need to count my blessings and share them with the world, I am giving thanks to my Mom.  She's a superhero in my book and never fails to help me out when I need it most.  Somehow, she knows just what to do.  Thank you Mom, for making this trip possible for me {Brandon would have been here either way, but he would be extremely bored without his wife around}.

This is the first time we've been alone on a trip, without the kiddos, since 2008.  Seriously, where have the past 4 years gone?!

So, this is where we're at:

Denver.  Do ya'll know how many times we've been to Colorado?  We've been here three times just in the past six months!  Do ya'll know how many times we've explored downtown Denver?  Yep, you got times.

It's pretty nice...for those of you who haven't been here.  There's shopping within walking distance.  A ton of restaurants...which is good, because we love to eat.  And, I love to shop.  Alone.  Without kids or a husband hovering over my shoulder, sending me vibes that they're incredibly bored.  Yep, this is a perfect get away for me.  There's a movie theater.  And, a Starbucks about every 20 feet - I do love me some Pumpkin Latte...and, not to mention, there are mountains in the distance.   Oh, and they just legalized marijuana.  Just sayin'.

So, today {and yesterday}, I'm thankful for this time away.  Although I am missing my little guys so so so much, I am enjoying some time alone.  To shop.  To make Christmas lists. To drink coffee and eat chocolate chip scones without interruption.  And, to have some quality time with my hubby.  Thank you for these days.

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