Sunday, November 11, 2012

Home Sweet Home

You know when you have a trip away planned....the excitement surrounded around the anticipation of having this time 'away' is so high {I think it's one of my favorite parts of trips of any kind, dates with the hubs, or any time we do something super exciting with the kids} that you can hardly stand it!  Then, once the trip starts, it's perfect in every way - nothing can get in the way of the good time I'm having while away with my hubs...then, on the second day a little heart ache starts to set in.

What did my kids eat last night for dinner?

What did they play with today?

How did they sleep last night?

Is Andrew's cough better today?

Was Parker a good helper {he always is!}?

I miss my kids so much that this new feeling of wanting to be home is my new new excitement.

Although I am having a great time with, and eating good food {all of it...every last bite...without interruptions}, and watching movies, and drinking coffee...there's a chunk of me missing because the kids aren't there.  It's strange, but, that's the smiling part of me.  Of course, Brandon makes me smile, but there's no better feeling than when our family is all together.

Do you know what I'm talkin' about?

There's nothing better than coming home.

Home sweet home.

We're livin' it up this weekend - at home.  Making some spaghetti {the boy's favorite}, eating ice cream, cooking up some cinnamon rolls {recipe to come later}.

Even playing with Play-Doh.

I love these days at home.  I am so thankful for my home.  Everything about it.  Not just the walls, windows, furniture, and 'stuff'.  But for the people inside that make this house a home.

Trips do that - they make me thankful for what I have when I'm not on that trip.  And, I love it.

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