Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The 26th, 27th, and 28th...

Once again, I've fallen behind on capturing our December days.

December 26th was spent cleaning. If you know me at all, you know I have some compulsive tendencies....if there's a crumb on the floor, it has to be swept up, if the clothes aren't in the must be put in, if the bed isn't made: make it, if there are toys, wrapping paper, bags, cardboard, clothes, glitter (from the tissue paper), and much, much more strewn all over my home...well, then, you can only imagine what my type A personality does. It goes into over drive!

December 26th was spent cleaning up the aftermath...

You know those gifts that you wonder if it was really something that your family will enjoy. If it is really something that we needed to spend THAT much money on...if it's going to be used. Well...this year, that was the X-Box 360 with Kinect that we purchased on Black Friday. Oh. My. Goodness. It is so much fun! On December 27th, I think we might have played it all day long! Well...Parker and Brandon played it all day long. What's so fun about it? Just ask Parker: "We get to fly with Peter Pan and fight Captain Hook! Awesome, Mom!"

Today, December 28th, I got it all together. I cleaned out closets, the playroom, bookshelves, and drawers. Brandon and I planned out our new shelves for the basement...shelves that will hold all of the Legos, Little People, Play-Doh, race tracks, and so much more...without looking cluttered...and most importantly, it will be organized! I got it all started today and I can't wait to share it with you all once it's complete!!

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