Thursday, December 29, 2011

Lookin' Back on 2011

New Year's Day is right around the corner (2 days away to be exact). Today, I find myself looking back on 2011 and reflecting on the whirlwind of a year that it was. A New Year is always bittersweet to me. And, while I love the idea of starting things fresh and new in a New Year, it also makes me realize just how fast these years keep flying by.

I love starting the New Year with a clean slate. A fresh calendar. An empty calendar to fill with new ideas.

But, today, I'm not really thinking about the empty calendar that lies ahead, I'm looking back at what happened 2011. It seems like forever ago that we had this much snow....

And, it seems like just yesterday that I was holding this little guy...

This year held so many firsts for our family. First steps, first teeth, first words, first days of school, first family vacations, first birthdays...and, believe me, it wasn't always roses and rainbows in our house....we had first tantrums, first 'you're the meanest mom', a first year full of sleepless nights...but, somehow those days and the wonderful memories are all blended into one giant year and those roller coaster moments are overshadowed by everything else.

I honestly can't remember the first time that Parker threw down his toy, stomped right up to my face, and yelled that I was a mean Mommy....and, it's definitely happened more than once this year!

I can't remember the exact first day that I was fuzzy brained, frazzled, and frustrated with my boys because they just wouldn't listen to Momma (or, most likely, it was because I'd only had a few hours of sleep).

But, I can remember the day that Parker and I were in the car and he said, 'Mom, I will love you forever...and ever, for all of my birthdays.'

I can remember the day that Andrew looked up and smiled at me for the first time....or when he crawled for the first time, and when he took those first wobbly steps.

And, yes, I remember ALL of the nights that Brandon woke up in the middle of the night to snuggle with one of the boys, so that I could sleep just a little bit longer.

I remember my first Mother's Day with my two little guys.

I remember our first family vacation to Colorado and how much we enjoyed just being together...and looking back at just how comical that vacation was!

I remember the day Parker and Andrew got the new playset in the backyard and just how excited they are every time we get to go out and play!

I remember Parker's first soccer game and Andrew's first trip to the Pumpkin Patch.

I remember so much about 2011 and I believe it might go down in the history books as one of my favorite years.

Yes, beginning a New Year is bittersweet.

So, here's to lookin' back at 2011 and to lookin' forward to 2012. You'd better be ready '12, you've got a lot to live up to!

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