Monday, December 19, 2011

Catching Up!

Wow! What a weekend (and now it's Wednesday....I started this post on can see how our week has been)! I know I'm a few days behind on 'Capturing December', so let's catch up, shall we?!

Picking out Presents on Day 16

I borrowed this idea from a friend of mine and I think it's a new tradition for my sweet boys! I decided to take Parker Christmas shopping (Andrew can go next year) and boy did he pick out some unique items for our family members (don't worry, they were all from our local dollar store and we didn't spend more than thirty bucks)...and Parker and I had a fun shopping experience together! I'm not sure how he decided on some of these gifts, but I know our family will enjoy opening them!

Here are some of the 'special' presents that Parker picked out!!

Disclosure to our families: Try not to laugh too hard when you open these...Parker put a lot of thought into picking them out and it may hurt his precious feelings if there is too much snickering. Get your laughs out now, so you can thank him on Christmas!

Exchanging Cookies on Day 17

My friend Joy is amazing. She is a working mom...She has kiddos that are the same ages as mine...she is involved in just about every organization in town...and yet, she still has time to throw the most wonderful cookie exchange party around!

Just look at this spread.

And look at all of these friends! (Yes, I am the one in the Pitt State sweatshirt. I had to represent on Saturday and we WON! Yipeeee!)

Oh my goodness. We had a hot chocolate bar with candy canes, marshmallows, and biscotti...we even had a little marshmallow flavored liquor to liven things up. Joy handed out coffee cups to everyone...we shared stories...and laughed about our most memorable Christmas. And, most importantly, we had time together as friends to enjoy a few minutes of peace in all of our the Christmas frenzy. Thank you Joy!

Bundling Up on Day 18

Not really. It's been so warm outside this past week that we haven't really been able to bundle up and head out into the blustery snow (no snow...yet)! Actually, it's been so nice, that we've been playing outside and trying to get in every last minute of outdoor fun that we can!

And, while we have drawers full of hats, mittens, gloves, scarves, and closets full of coats....we haven't been able to show off all of our favorites yet this year! By favorites, I mean, yes, my boys have their favorite hats and gloves...everything from the hats and gloves from Peru (thank you Aunt April) to the new KU hats we picked up last weekend, every night while we're playing, Parker and Andrew try on a new hat and gloves or mittens, and they wear them around the house! So cute.

When we headed out the door to go visit Crown Center, I threw in the hats and mittens...just in case. Low and behold- we got to wear them! There's something so sweet about little boys all bundled up in their hats, coats, and mittens.

And, WOW, did we have fun at Crown Center! (Although this topic deserves it's own post, there's just not time for me to write one up, so I'm spilling all the beans in this post.)

We met up with Aunt Dani at her new apartment downtown and decided that the Sunday before Christmas is the perfect time to go to the beautiful winter wonderland at Crown Center.

We even ran into Aunt April and Lee to make the day even more fun!

(Lee is taking the photo!)

If you've never visited Crown Center during the holidays, you're missing out!

Late Night Grocery Shopping on Day 19

There's nothing I dislike more than going to the store that begins with a 'W' around the holidays...or any time, really. Call me a grocery store snob, but you should see the crowd at our local 'W'....makes me thankful for the life that I have...but, it also makes me feel all icky. (Yes, I am being judgemental.)

So, I tend to go to the store reeeeeally early in the morning or reeeeeally late at night (well, after the boys are in, late to me anyways).

On day 19 all I could do was think about the gazillions of the groceries that needed to be purchased (thank you, Pinterest, for all of the new recipes I'm going to try on Christmas break) and I was dreading this trip to the store...especially because it was cold and rainy.

But, I rocked Andrew to sleep, read Parker his books, and even picked up the house (my normal routine) before heading out to the store. Finishing up at 10:15 pm and $225 later, I felt really good about accomplishing this task that I was dreading so much. Now....all I can think about is the yummy food that will be devoured in the next couple of weeks!!

(Tip for my grocery shopping friends: Aldi's has gallons of milk for $1.99- you can comp the gallons of milk at 'W' for $1.99! Score!)

Preschool Christmas Party on Day 20

Day 20?! It's really day 20?!

Parker's preschool class had it's party today. Every class party is so much fun with Parker's teachers and all 15 of his classmates!! Here are some photos that capture the day waaaaay better than I could write about it (and I think by now you're all getting tired of reading)!!

(Parker is mad because I wouldn't let him eat his candy cane from his craft project. Meanest. Mom. Ever.)

A Birthday on Day 21

Today is my older sister's birthday. Aunt April old again?!

Happy birthday big sister! We love you!!!

Whew! I think you're all caught up! More later my friends...I'm off to finish up some shopping (I know...I know...I said I was done....just. one. more. shopping trip....Please??!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the birthday shout out on your blog! Love you guys!

"Old" Aunt April