Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Smooches on Day 13


This year Parker has been asking and asking for a mistletoe. I'm not really sure how he came across this tradition, but I am glad that he did! We now have a mistletoe hanging in the kitchen. And, who you might ask, spends the most time in the kitchen? Me, of course! Needless to say, I've been getting tons of smooches from my boys! Although Parker acts like he doesn't want to smooch, we can usually get one outta him...and, my sweet Andrew...he gets so excited to see the mistletoe that he gives away smooches to everyone!

This morning Parker and I were at home alone....I went and stood under the mistletoe and waited and waited for my little man to notice where I was. When little man finally noticed, he looked at me with wide eyes and a silly grin and said, "Oh man, Mom, I wish Dad were here!" I asked Parker why he wished Dad was here and he said, "So he could kiss you!" Yes, Parker absolutely loves it when he catches me getting a smoochy from B. It's very sweet. Also, Parker ran and ran and ran from me when I tried to get one out of him that morning!

Here's to lots of smooches at your house and lots of Christmas loves!

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