Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Magic

Wow! I've finally gotten all of the boxes to the recycling center, the shreds of paper are all picked up, new batteries are in new toys, I've got a new organization system worked out, etc., etc. And, while I sit here proud of my cleaning abilities, I get a little sad that the magic of Christmas won't happen again for what....another 362 days.

I loved Christmas as a child. I never thought anything could be better than being a child on Christmas morning. But, I was wrong. The BEST person to be on Christmas is Mom. Having my own children has opened up a different kind of Christmas magic within my heart and right now....that heart is bursting!

The most fun I've had all year can be wrapped up in our three days of Christmas magic.

Yes, that's right. I said 'three days.'

This year we tried out something new. Not rushing....not scurrying from one house to the next, but taking our time and taking all of the magic in, one moment at a time.

It worked for us. I loved it.

First Up (The Eve of Christmas Eve): Christmas in DeSoto with Grandma and Papa

We had tons of delicious food and joyful time with our Riffel family. We made memories that will last...forever.

Christmas Eve: Christmas at the Farm
(Disclaimer: On Christmas Eve we realized that the camera was broken...I apologize for any blurry photos from here on out....I was probably the one that took them.)

When we pull down the gravel road that leads to my Mom's house, it feels like we've entered a new world...or maybe it feels like we've entered a different time. Everything seems to slow down a little bit and there's some unseen excitement in the crisp, fresh air. Add this to a Christmas celebration and you get the ultimate in Christmas magic!

Yummy food, fun with cousins and grandparents, the beautiful outdoors, and a few dogs, all add up to make a wonderful Christmas Eve!

Christmas Eve at Home

Last year we ran, and ran, and ran ourselves ragged at Christmas time. It was almost miserable for sleep-deprived parents of a newborn. So, this year, I decided that we needed some time at home. Time to have our own traditions and our own potion of Christmas magic.

Simply put: It was a time full of joy, love, and magic that I can't wait to relive year after year!

The evening of Christmas Eve was spent at home...snuggled in our Christmas jammers, eating food that I got to make for my family, making cookies for Santa Claus, and watching Christmas movies with my boys. This year, my boys were totally into Christmas and all of the fun traditions that go with it.

Christmas Morning

Our kids wake up early. And, Christmas morning is no exception to this rule. Before the crack of dawn, we were up, running down the stairs, and ripping into gifts....watching eyes light up with excitement, boys smile from ear to ear, and toys being played with, rocked on, worn, and carried throughout the house. Dinosaurs, Batman, bikes, cars, umbrellas, socks, Mickey, and so much more, filled the living room and made Christmas morning truly magical. So. Much. Fun.

Christmas Day

After playing for a few hours, we packed up and headed to Topeka to spend time with our family there. Traditionally, we would go over to my grandparents home to spend time with extended family....this being the first year we didn't do that (it had to happen one day), we did get to spend time with my dad and stepmom, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and my siblings. It was a wonderful day that was the topper that caused my heart to overflow with Christmas magic and love for my family.

We ate the most wonderful food, laughed a lot, and I, once again, counted my many blessings.

We even had time for a drive through the 'Winter Wonderland!'

(Sorry, no photos....I volunteered to drive home and the camera was in the waaaaaay back of the's awfully hard for Brandon to climb back there, especially with his current back issue!)

Parker said it perfectly: "Mom, this Christmas is AWESOME!"

Here's to our Christmas Magic lasting the whole year through!

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