Saturday, December 10, 2011

Kickin' the Bottle

Nope, I'm not talking about that kind of bottle. (Just to be clear.)

I'm talkin' about the kind of bottle my baby boy has been 'latched' on to for the past 10 months...the bottle that would put him to sleep every night (and almost every nap time), the bottle that he cried for, that he signed for, that he would grab at every time it was near...yes, I'm talkin' about the bottle that I was so scared to take away from him just three weeks ago.

Andrew's bottle was a safety net. We always knew that if he was sad, tired, grumpy, or in a funk, we could give Andrew a bottle and it would make him feel better. Maybe that's why we call my youngest son, chubby bubby. So, when Andrew turned one and we started weaning him off of the bottle, I was nervous. I was worried.

But, I'll admit something very embarrassing right now....I think all of this nervousness, all of this worrying...wasn't about Andrew, but it was about my BABY boy not needing a bottle anymore. Not needing me to hold him every night before he went to bed...not getting to snuggle with him every three hours (like clockwork), and knowing that once Andrew kicks the bottle, he'll be even closer to being a 'big boy'.

I'm happy to say that we did it. Andrew is a champion and I think that's why it has been so easy. I'm also happy to say that Andrew now chows down at every fact, tonight he ate more pizza than I did...

So, good bye for good bottles....we've kicked ya!

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