Wednesday, January 4, 2012


These boys of oh man do they crack me up. From Andrew's pouty lips to Parker's wise cracks, they sure are keeping me on my toes. And, just when you think you're going to have a completely normal 'moment' with them....they flip the coin and do something that makes me giggle, roll my eyes, gasp, or grab them up and smooch all over them. Or, then there's a 'moment' like the one that happened in the bathtub tonight....yes, this kind of moment that makes me wonder where in the world they get their goofiness....surely it can't come from me?!

I wasn't going to put these photos in here....but, as I was uploading the other goofy photos, I saw these from the other night and I couldn't resist. This is Parker, in my boots and Brandon's 'explorer' hat. Why is he dressed like this? He was a postman, of course!

Now here are the photos from the tub tonight. I started calling them 'Double-Trouble' and they thought it was hilarious!! So funny!!

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