Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Greatest Gift

I know, I know, Christmas has come and gone....why, you might ask, am I writing about gifts on the first day of 2012?

This year for Christmas, Brandon and I wanted to focus more on the gift of time and friendship, rather than elaborate gifts and goodies. So, for Christmas, our best friends, Justin and Julie, got a date with us (I know, I know, super cheesy right?!).

Our date: An afternoon at the KU game and dinner in Lawrence.

For most people, this may not seem too exciting, but for the three of us (sorry, Brandon, you're outnumbered) that grew up in Lawrence, this was the perfect way to spend time together!!

We laughed, talked serious, got chills, ate good food, and had a 'hot' time (they'll get it) together, and we ended 2011 with our best friends. The most exciting part about the day...coming home from our night out together and seeing that our four boys (yes, my brave Mom volunteered to watch all four of the boys) had just as much fun as we did! Best buddies!

The greatest gift we've had this year? That's easy. Our friends and family.

Thank you for this precious gift.

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