Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Rink

Eighties music....strobe light....the Limbo...funky techno carpet...a dated tile rink...yep, that's right my friends, I am talking about that famous rink that so many of us spent hours at in grade school, gossiping with our friends, showing off for our latest love interest, trying to go as low as we could go, eating Fun Dip, and enjoying every minute of our youth, without a care in the world except for how tight we could get our jeans to roll and which NKOTB guy we liked the most.

What a blast from the past!

On Saturday, some of our neighbor friends invited us to meet them at our local skating rink. I thought, 'why not?' Parker and I were just heading home from the grocery store and Brandon and Andrew were just going down for an afternoon nap.

Isn't it funny how tiny, little moments can give our little people the greatest memories? Here we were, not doing much on our Saturday afternoon, when all of a sudden....Parker was super excited to try out his roller skates at an ACTUAL SKATING RINK! you know how hard it is to try and take a picture while roller skating...especially since it's been about 15 years since I've had any type of skate on my feet?! It's difficult...and no way was I going to take my Canon out there on that, bear with my grainy, dark and blurry photo and video...

Even though Parker's skating abilities were more of a scuffle and he fell down more times than I can should have seen his face when he did the Limbo for the first time! You should have seen the way he blushed when this super cute 'older' girl told him how good he was and then proceeded to ask him if he would like to skate with her...holding hands! Don't worry, my boy said 'no' and stuck to his Momma...[yes!]. You should have seen his eyes light up when it got dark and the strobe light threw sparkles and light onto the skate floor and, yes, you should have seen his little dance moves to all of the eighties music they played that day [imagine the robot + a little skate scuffle + a super serious Parker face....priceless].

And, when the grown [somewhat special] men on the rink ran into Parker...then ran into his buddy....then ran into another little should have seen this Momma Hen show them who was boss...and then Parker's buddy's mom told them what was up! No, was one of our finest moments. Just sayin you shouldn't mess with this Mom and her boy.

Just to prove this day to all of you and to mark it in Riffel history for all time, here's a video of Parker on his first ever roller skating adventure. And, nope, I didn't fall down came back to me like I was in 4th grade.

I hope your weekend brought some little, but special moments that will last a lifetime!

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