Sunday, January 29, 2012

FINALLY...Feeling Better

The past few weeks have seen a lot of this...

and this...

and this...

We've had lots of runny noses, coughs, and more vomit than I care to EVER see again. We've only had two or three meals that didn't end in my little guy loosing it [literally] and being rushed to the bathtub. We've watched countless episodes of Blues Clues, as it is the only thing that will calm Andrew down when he is not feeling good...that and his Momma snuggled up close.

We've gone through gajillions of Kleenex's...Benadryl...two rounds of antibiotics...Dimetapp...Advil....and we've even tried baby reflux medicine...trying EVERYTHING we can think of to give my baby boy some relief.

I hate these days. I hate watching my kids suffer in any way...especially when I can't make it go away. I hate not knowing what's wrong and I hate not being able to cure their pain.

And, it's especially sad, when they can't tell you what hurts and what's wrong.

But, finally we had today. Today my Andrew looked and acted like he was feeling better. So good, in fact, that we decided to go to the park for a while and get some much needed fresh air and Vitamin D. I hope that today is a sign of what our week holds!

Wishing you and your family a wonderful week!

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